CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

There's no "implication" here, in the military you have a commanding Officer, you do consent to obey his commands, and they are NOT suggestions!

Seriously, of all the things you could possibly write to further the oft-stated notion that you're an absolute idiot, this might be the strongest evidence yet.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

In the camps jews were about half of the killed. Not exactly a minority.

We weren't taught about the 29MM white Christians killed in USSR.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is hating your commander out of the question?

How about the CiC?

CuomoisaMassMurderer -4 points ago +1 / -5

Fake and gay.

Some of what you wrote is ok but come on, Putin has threatened nuclear war so much he's the boy who cried wolf.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scary that from your first link, the only 4 States with almost no jews are the poorest.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow, that's both ignorant and juvenile. You should be on a doublemint gum commercial, lol

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the protocols are hopefully still easily found. More obscure stuff will have conflicting info in search results though, and nobody would know which opposing account you ascribe to. To be fair, information overload is also our best tactic for the glowies that we know track us.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

JFK. Gulf of Tonkin event. Note that together, these were what the term "conspiracy theory" was made popular by the CIA to discredit people who talked about these.

Hitler committed suicide in his bunker. No fucking way! It's possible he got killed escaping before making it to Chile but if so, nobody knew they did it. Tons of money was spent creating multiple routes, and at least 10,000 nazis made the trip. Hitler at least tried, and there's tons of evidence down this rabbit hole.

The Fabian Society is the easiest one to verify yourself, they openly admit their subversion.

Sabbateans. Worth digging into!

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should know that random searches are going to be futile or at least obfuscated.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every type of literature known to man at the time it was written is included. Horror, poetry, erotic poetry, wisdom ...

Gospels re also a unique sort, with historical context.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's of no coincidence that no matter how awful the UK, USA or modern Russia is, they don't anywhere near Dark Ages Europe

This is not a sentence. What did you leave out?

One nation under God and One nation under the leader has no discernable difference.

This suggests that you don't understand what "one Nation under God" means. I'm not sure where the disconnect is, but this is a minor premise compared to the other.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don't have to be paid to shill

You might as well say the moon is made of cheese, then claim that cheese is not cheese and the moon is not the moon. You're as big a liar as Bill Clinton.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I posit that your questions, suppositions, and conclusions are all horseshit.

Maybe someday you'll learn how to think straight.

Sometimes you have a good sense of humor though.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nothing you claim is true: not one speck of evidence that I'm jewish. Do you know why? This should be really easy, even for you. I'm not jewish! Duh.

You couldn't possibly know anybody here is a shill, yet you toss that around like water. No different than antifa, calling anyone who disagrees with them about anything a nazi.

Never have I been paid for anything online.

You have utter disregard for the truth, honesty, integrity, and anything related.

Other things you say are opinion with no way to verify them either way, the war in Ukraine is like that. It's opinion. You root for Putin, without being able to say why.

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