CookiesNCream 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember hearing/ reading Bruce Lee died same as his son- always thought that was strange as well.

CookiesNCream 1 point ago +1 / -0

question - could a TSA xray machine detect something like that? Only reason why I ask is bc a friend's MIL is visiting and said she was stopped by TSA bc it looked like metal was in her groin area. There was absolutely nothing in her pockets etc... she is vaxxd... just made me wonder and thought it was very odd.

CookiesNCream 5 points ago +5 / -0

My neighbor is 56 and got her first jab early March. She texted me around March 20th that she got her period. She was exclaiming that she hadn't had a period in 10 years and was pissed she had to go by pads. I assume she went thru the "change" bc of her age, but didn't ask cuz didn't seem like any of my biz. I just kinda chalked it up like "that's weird" - until I started reading about these stories. Now I'm definitely convinced it was the vaccine that triggered her to have a period.

CookiesNCream 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I'm pretty worried about us building our deck this summer. It might end up being a poured concrete slab.

CookiesNCream 1 point ago +1 / -0

My husband caught something weird the other night while outside grilling dinner. Of course the video quality is like a blurry bigfoot. Still was interesting. We have no idea what it was. Only thing I researched that it could of possibly been is a Satellite Train? I'm a little hesitant to share the video out of fear of being flamed for the quality.