Society would not even exist and people would eventually organize and form groups to terrorize individuals like him, how can you shit on a society that allows you to simply reject it with no consequence? If everyone lived like that we wouldn't even be a species, we'd get picked off by animals
I think you only read "growths of society" and left out the key word "artificial"
you wouldn't be here to type this on a screen
Yes, we have this magic black screen today, but he isn't saying the artificial things society creates can't do amazing things, he is saying it is incompatible with happiness and morality. This blackbox delivers 24/7 emotional manipulation through news agencies, degeneracy through movies and pornography, broadCASTING spells (moonlanding etc.) the scale of which could never be achieved prior, social media that actually makes you more lonely and depressed.... the list goes on and on. I know it is not all bad and much good has come too, but overall I think it's had a terrible affect on humans as a whole. Depression, addictions, anxiety, suicide, mental illness, perversions... the moral decay from God's natural order.
Quote from The Logic of Liberty:
"In such men, the traditional forms for holding moral ideals had been shattered and their moral passions diverted into the only channels which a strictly mechanistic conception of man and society left open to them. We may call this the process of moral inversion. The morally inverted person has not merely performed a philosophic substitution of moral aims by material purposes, but is acting with the whole force of his homeless moral passions within a purely materialistic framework of purposes.
Human beings are by nature motivated by moral passions. When by education or training they are denied an intellectual ground for their moral passions, these passions, like a river that has run out of its banks, flow in an uncontrolled flood into whatever channel lies conveniently at hand. In modern, materialistic societies, that channel has been revolutionary action designed to create a new society along strictly materialistic notions. Communism or some for of national socialism has been the preferred channel. The disasters of the 21st century have been powered by a moral energy resulting from this rechanneling of moral passions in a destructive way."
The controllers of the world get away with everything because we are so morally bankrupt, we will blindly do whatever they present us with. Go out and find a village of people who have been living off the land for decades. They are low-tech, isolated and live simple lives involving physical labor to survive.
Tell these people that their 12 year old son can become a women if he has his penis surgically removed and takes your cocktail of hormones.
He is essentially propaganda now if he is going to omit things
Wow, a gay Jew slobbering over communism? I'm shocked, I say
WTF was that honestly lmfao
Alex Jones back tracking on this is proof he's compromised
Diogenes maintained that all the artificial growths of society were incompatible with happiness and that morality implies a return to the simplicity of nature..... In his words, "Humans have complicated every simple gift of the gods."
Dude was right
He was lobbying on behalf of foreign nationals without registering with the U.S. AG first. I think the "Chinese Agents" you are looking for work for Diane Feinstein and sleep with Eric Swalwell
Don't let them demoralize you, it's what they want
He's in europe, are there a lot of european mkultra cases
Simon Parkes bangs holographic aliens
Hopefully he right about this lol
Q anon is either a psyop or real, I guess we find out pretty soon don't we lol. Also, JFK Jr. is alive according to the Q folk and his dad is in the photo... good enough
Nice, but it needs a pizzagate reference
Edit: Also, the biggest hoax ever: Cov-aids19
LOL because I'm not a pussy like you, I must not have a job? Nice cowardice coping mechanism bud. I redpilled my coworker on the holohoax a couple weeks ago and he got mad and called me a Holocaust denier in front of everyone the next day trying to shame me. I laughed and used that moment to plant some seeds of truth into everyone's head who was present. His sad attempt at control actually gave me a bigger platform to people I don't usually converse with. Maybe those seeds penetrate a crack in someone's programming, maybe not. But I go to sleep every night knowing I'm not a liar and won't be shamed into silence.
You've made a decision to be a liar to yourself and everyone around you. You've dehumanized yourself and are now just another slave bot for their agenda. You will go silently into the night.
Wow, I'm sorry but you are a mega-bitch if this is true. You caved to social pressure in seconds like every faggot wearing a mask and self-censoring themselves. Something like "I'm letting the sick, elderly and the chronically terrified get doses first since cov-aids has a 99.8% survival rate for people outside of nursing homes. I think they need it more urgently then I do." would have shown an ounce of spine
The left will always sacrifice a black man to gain more power lol
Smoke has "anonymous sources who are familiar with the thinking of President Trump".. or possibly just some reddit circlejerk to help them cope with all the pedophile associates of Epstein they tend to worship
Hold up, let me make some gibberish Q-drops about buttocks, maybe you will like me then :(
Banned for mental illness I assume
Does this make you angry? Fucking bigot.
Don't worry, megapeed666 doesn't see the conflict of interest here because you are just a racist. Go back to sleep.
I noticed shills over multiple sites start posting this in comments sections overnight. Inorganic as fuck
Not bad. Seems a little dark tho, or maybe its my blue light filter