Carry_Your_Name 1 point ago +1 / -0

The plot was simple, a hapless director created a gorgeous virtual actress to star in his movies. She was computer generated with the most attractive features of a few A listers, and she was aptly named Simone - Sim(ulation) 1. Those movies turned out to be a huge success, and Simone became a global sensation. Her face was everywhere, on every screen, every magazine cover, every billboard, but it was all VIRTUAL, nobody had seen her in the flesh. She even had a concert to show off her beautiful voice, but it was hologram. Meanwhile, the director who arranged all of this delusion behind the scene was struggling to keep the secret that he had defrauded the whole world.

This kind of shenanigans has come true. When some actor couldn’t make it to the filming site or they have passed away, they CGIed them. They did that to an actor who played a major role in the first three hunger game movies but died at the time of the final one, his virtual image was recreated on screen. Some actresses feel uncomfortable to film a sex scene, they solved that with CGI as well.

Carry_Your_Name 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no evidence to present whatsoever. If you wanna challenge it in court, you have to aim at the unconstitutional changes of election laws by the corrupt local government officials, you have to focus on the drop boxes and ballot harvesting, you have to trace from the leaves to the branches, and from the branches to the trunk. Those unconstitutional changes directly caused the rampant fraud.

Carry_Your_Name 7 points ago +7 / -0

You can fool some people all the time, you can fool all the people some time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

Carry_Your_Name 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sometimes you have to sail the seven seas to find the stuff you’re looking for, if you know what I mean.

Carry_Your_Name 3 points ago +3 / -0

CGI? Like in front of a green screen? His whole presidency is gonna be virtual. I recommend the movie SimOne, very prophetic. That would show you how it works.

Carry_Your_Name 1 point ago +1 / -0

No surprise there. Narrow is the gate to life, and few will find it; broad is the way to destruction, and many will go in by it. What I've been really wondering is that if this is really the beginning of the end, I mean, the tribulation, the cashless society, the 10-state global government, the mandatory covid vaccine laced with the mark of the beast, the whole satanic/communist package, you know. That has always been their long term plan, Trump is just a road bump who halted it for a few years and exposed a lot of them, that's why they had to hasten it with the chinese virus, the BLM riot and the massive fraud to remove him from their way and get back on track.

Carry_Your_Name 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think it's because Obozo had stuffed the entire DC administration with deep state swamp monsters. Everybody has been using him for their own gains. Nobody would seriously fight for him and execute his orders to arrest anybody.