Amazing how good Republicans are when they're on the bottom
Until they get enough news coverage this cycle and cave
I've seen this movie before
If we only had the Senate, we could do something....
DIAF, rinos
Not A-theist, but ANTItheist.
And if we're honest, they only care if the god in question is the Christian one
That doesn't explain the bad batches, or why the bad batches were distributed more widely
Always struck me that watching porn with guys in it was cucked and guys that spent a lot of time with it were creepy.
Of course we didn't have a word for 'cuck' back then, or 24/7 mobile video screens we carried around
I'm old, but I guess ok with it. Now get off my lawn
Sauce if you need to get this info to normies
They think they've got protection from what they're causing. They have been deceived.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.