Bugsofbaillie 2 points ago +2 / -0

The whole reptilian humanoid thing isn’t all that crazy(perspectively). It’s easy to get lost in that rabbit hole the more you read about it. This guy probably found something he related to at a time in his life where he was highly receptive to influence.

Bugsofbaillie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I read that the only reason there was an outage was because they cut the power. Half of the block was destroyed. I’m sure there were a great deal of downed power lines or other extremely dangerous electrical issues. Of course you would cut the power. And yes, there is a fail safe back up.... a natural gas powered generator. The natural gas was also turned off to prevent further explosion.

Bugsofbaillie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.

Bugsofbaillie 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s possible

Bugsofbaillie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ok. The picture of the “person of interest “( the RV) doesn’t quite look the same to me. It’s the stuff of top that doesn’t seem to quite fit. Then again, one is front facing, the other is rear facing. Second, I feel like this is either domestic terrorism or some sort of cover for what was really destroyed. Plenty of people going crazy with all this COVID lock down bull shit. Human remains? What? Blood? Bone? I read flesh somewhere. Could have been a body from the morgue for all we know. Could have been the driver. Either way, I do not think people were intended to be hurt, which, to me, rules out China or Iran or anyone else that hates this country. Even on the domestic side it’s weird. Quite an elaborate suicide. This is why I can’t rule out the intent of something in one of those buildings being the target. Some of the pictures look weird too. The hollow building? Looks like debris flew out of it when you think it would have been blown inward. Then again, I don’t know the physics behind explosions. Perhaps that is possible. Also, I know there was some weirdness behind who posted the video of the explosion. Just another head shaking piece to this puzzle. Either way, this whole thing is very very strange.

Bugsofbaillie 1 point ago +3 / -2

Yea, but if you wanted to kill people... mass casualties.... you don’t tell them you’re there. Plus, it was Christmas. Not too many people out and about anyways. If killing people was the intention, you’d think it would have been a more populated location, different time of day, definitely not the most closed holiday of the year and definitely not blaring a warning.