Blowjangles 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not speaking to the people who entertained Q and also focused on self-reliance- if you can't tell, I'm part of that group (or was at one point several years ago, anyway). Taking in information and then acting on that information is the essence of a responsible human. Qoomers learned the truth of reality's dark underbelly and did NOTHING with it. They're as hopelessly addicted to the system as they were when they voted for Bush's second term over 16 years ago.

I'm speaking to the overwhelming majority of people who got addicted to conspiracy porn and did nothing but TERST DER PLERN; never any meaningful action- just sitting on their asses waiting for more bread, while having the audacity to jerk themselves off with titles like "patriot"

I'm glad you brought up the messiah figure-- There's a lot of parallel to modern Pharisees (the overwhelming majority of modern Christians), who keep waiting and waiting for Jesus, but are totally cool with participating in the systems that destroy the planet, voting for blatant psychopaths to perpetuate war, and ignoring their fellow man because they believe that belief is all that's required. I get that total divorce is impossible by design (though it wouldn't be if we had the numbers), but the overwhelming majority of these faggots didn't even TRY.

They love the easy message- they won't have any other. When very logical counter-arguments were presented to Qoomers throughout the last 3 years (and there were tons), those counter-arguments were met with open hostility. It's a fucking cult and by this point that's obvious.

Society deserves the governments they get, and ours is fucking awful. This is our society's fault, but it's the Qoomers who saw the truth and chose inaction, even for their own livelihoods. Yeah, I'm frustrated.

If you're reading this message and it got you butthurt, take a hard look in the mirror.

I'm done arguing on this site (and the internet as a whole)- it only takes more time away from what I'm doing with my own life. Good luck to you all.

Blowjangles 2 points ago +2 / -0

For me personally:

  1. selling/trading excess produce (it's crazy what you can do on a 1/4 acre, you don't need a lot of land-- lots of YouTube inspiration out there)
  2. small-scale [legal] widget manufacturing with home-made CNC machines (printers have gotten stupid-cheap in recent years, and spindle CNCs are very attainable, especially if you're willing to DIY)
Blowjangles 5 points ago +8 / -3

Some of us have been spending recent years divorcing ourselves from food and energy dependence. The writing was on the wall, and always has been. Losing my job for not getting vaccinated won't have the same impact as someone who goes grocery shopping each week (or more), especially with side streams of income that are cancel culture-proof.

But sure, when I have to produce proof of vaccination in order to pay property taxes, that'll be shitty. If they force a meter on my well pump, that'll be tough to get around as well.

Point is, there are tiers to who gets culled first, largely depending on how much an individual requires the system they live in. Qoomers, from what I've seen, are all still just as tied to the system they despise as they were before they realized it was being ran by pedophile satanists.

Blowjangles 9 points ago +10 / -1

The conquest of this country was made obvious at Ruby Ridge. After that, the government knew society was too placated & brainwashed to rise up against anything.

I used to believe it was because people were misinformed and had misplaced faith in political figures, but there was enough truth in Q to eradicate that line of thinking. The reality is we're all just drugged cattle waiting for slaughter without the will to change anything- that's where my frustration lies with the Qoomers; they can no longer blame ignorance on their inaction, and they're still as plugged into the system as they've ever been.

A tiny minority of people are doing what they can- which comes down to networking with neighbors and working towards energy and food independence (not Qoomers though, they were too busy trusting the plan to be bothered to work on bettering their own personal corner of reality). It won't change the world, because the rest of the world refuses to change, but it can allow individuals some degree of liberty until the culling begins.

Blowjangles 5 points ago +12 / -7

Qoomers really are going to tRuSt tHe pLaN all the way to the FEMA camps. Not surprising, but a bit disappointing.

Blowjangles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your visceral hatred isn't helping you or anyone else. I hope you find whatever peace you need.

Blowjangles 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are two different disclosures happening today.

  1. The slow drip by world governments to get you to fear ETs, so we can join into a 1-world government to fight the external threat. You'll never find what you're actually looking for- they merely want you to know they're out there so you'll have plausible blame when they launch the FF to spark the interplanetary war.

  2. ETs want to interact with us peacefully, however we as a collective are far too hostile to that which we don't understand (and one another). With that said- widespread, small-scale peaceful contact has already begun.

If you haven't already, I implore you to watch "Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun" -- it's available on Prime, Vimeo, and several others IIRC. It gives you the instructions you need to make contact yourself.

Blowjangles 1 point ago +2 / -1

He was right- it was all a show, and nothing can stop Agenda 2030 (that's what's coming, folks).

by TlKr
Blowjangles 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's very well known within occult circles- and a fun rabbit hole. Kundalini yoga is your friend, which is why modern consensus claims it's dangerous (it's not).


by TlKr
Blowjangles 15 points ago +16 / -1

It's an homage to the pineal gland.

TPTB have very good reason to block its significance from public knowledge; if we collectively understood its function & how to utilize it, they would lose all control over night.

I don't know about Donald Marshall, but that quote sounds ridiculous.

Blowjangles 0 points ago +1 / -1

There are so many news reports from "official sources" reporting adverse affects- you could have easily shared a few and simply come off as an informed, concerned citizen.

This bitch shit is why our world is fucked. Thanks for being part of the problem.

Blowjangles 5 points ago +5 / -0

TBH that sounds kind of brilliant if true. That's just good business tactics, even if the pillows are ridiculously over-rated.

Blowjangles 3 points ago +3 / -0

The US Marshal badge hasn't resembled that since the 1970s. Those aren't marshals.

Blowjangles 2 points ago +3 / -1

Those are secret service badges. The marshal badges that look similar were discontinued in the 70s

Blowjangles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay? No one on the internet owes you any answers to your questions- I was merely providing a source for OP's photo.

Blowjangles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Magic White & Black by Franz Hartmann is excellent. It's out of print, but you can find used copies online.

Blowjangles 3 points ago +3 / -0

"two voices cry out in a silence all will hear"

Internet censorship. I'd wager one of those voices would be Trump- his absence has been noted by many. There's a long list of thought leaders who could be the other.

Blowjangles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Posobiec will do or say anything for an ounce of self-promotion. As overused as the term is, dude's the absolute king of grift.