BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

You slow. Just kidding.

It exists and is much more active than this site. Allow me to introduce: https://wsbets.win/

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I almost agreed with you (thanks for research). But....

At 4:03 you can see someone remove their hat. How to explain that? That's not from the wind.

EDIT: Nah, it's the wind. I saw it in HD. His hand doesn't move, and the wind gust is pretty strong from the way the flag is waving at that exact moment.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes you are correct. It happened at Obama's too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_tnlx4QEyY Can't see it at Trump's due to camera angle probably.

However, there were no dropped hats for Trump or Obama. That's just for Biden. See comments to axo for possible interpretations.

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

They say it's like throwing down the gauntlet. I'm not from the West so not familiar with customs. Do you have that in America?

I found another: the phrase "throw your hat into the (boxing) ring" comes from actually throwing down your hat to challenge someone to a bout:


BlackDay2020 0 points ago +2 / -2

Watch at 3:30 troop leader in old uniform removes hat and throws challenge to Biden (EDIT: This is incorrect. That happened at Obama's troop review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_tnlx4QEyY Most likely you can't see it in the Trump video due to the angle). At 5:00 you can see 7 discarded hats (and there is one further ahead at 5:08). Dropped hats only happened to Biden and not to Trump or Obama.

I'm pretty sure it's not protocol to throw hats in the middle of parade road. See at 4:03 you can see random soldiers without hat, and can even see another removing his hat. Pretty sure it's not protocol to remove hat during marching, long after passing the President.

This did not happen at Trump's troop review here (5:29:25):


I'm not American so what does this mean? If soldiers did it in their individual capacity, then it doesn't mean anything more than their individual disgust? I already debunked a couple of posts about movie set Oval Office, but this one and the absence of 21 gun salute are real. Watch out for chaotic disinformation. Both could mean military doesn't like Biden (if done in individual capacity), or something more conspiratorial.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch at 3:30 troop leader in confederate uniform removes hat and throws challenge to Biden. At 5:00 you can see 6 discarded hats. I'm pretty sure it's not protocol to throw hats in the middle of parade road. See at 4:03 you can see random soldiers without hat, and can even see another removing his hat. Pretty sure it's not protocol to remove hat during marching, long after passing the President.

This did not happen at Trump's troop review here (5:29:25):


I'm not American so what does this mean? If soldiers did it in their individual capacity, then it doesn't mean anything more than their individual disgust?

BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

No. Watch the Trump 21 gun salute video. They dress like this.


by pkvi
BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry but NOPE. Hear me out.

There was a similar claim using the different wallpapers as example, but I looked into and found it to be false (in 2017, Trump removed Obama's wallpaper and put in the new ones. The photo the post used for the claim was pre-renovation). You can look it up:


Since then I've been skeptical about this whole angle. Besides, we saw children leave the White House. What were they dong there if no one's there? You can't have it both ways.

So I investigated this claim too. Look for yourselves Trump vs Biden:



As you can see the upper window is outside in Biden's case.

So what's going on in the above photo? Just an optical illusion. Proof: Look at the vertical supports in the upper window, they are slightly to the left as compared to the window below. That happens when the upper window is behind the lower window.

Maybe this will help: https://imgur.com/a/DazSkW9 Ask yourself, if the upper window is behind, then should its vertical supports fall to the left of the red line or to the right (when viewer is to the left of the window, like the above photo)? Trump's window has the same appearance. But we're viewing Obama's window from the right, so it'll be on the opposite side.

If you still can't see it, try this: draw two straight parallel lines running across two pieces of paper, these represent the vertical supports of the two windows. When the papers are level they line up perfectly. When one is closer than the other, the closer one falls to the right (when viewer is located to the left of the window). Try it out before you disagree.

I know you don't want to hear it, but I'll say it: Now do you understand how confirmation bias and information bubbles work? Truth however hard it is to swallow must always prevail. And if it's hard to swallow, that only means you've been conditioned/brainwashed by social media/psyops and have become attached to certain beliefs. Yes, none of us are immune to it, though we'd like to think otherwise just because we're supposed to be the "awakened".

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

As China sits on a large pile of debt (that requires them to keep growing to keep servicing the debt), not buying from things Made in China and demonizing companies that manufacture there is a very valid strategy to hurt China. Even if it's TikTok.


Trump was on the right track with the economic sanctions on China. But it's not enough. Consumer is king, and only they can cause real change.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes untouchability did exist, and was very useful to the British while they ruled India (as part of their divide and rule policy). It's fast dying. I've not come across it in my lifetime, but I'm sure there are still pockets where it might be a thing.

The varna system (mistakenly translated as caste system) on the other hand still exists outside large cities, but it's limited to marriages now. It's socially accepted (including by "lower castes", although there's nothing low about them - another mistranslation by the British), not legally.

It would take too long to explain it from first principles, but the untouchability component isn't a part of what it's supposed to be, based on my understanding. However, I agree that later on it did degenerate into a system of control due to human nature. But it wasn't the Brahmins who enforced it, as is commonly reported in the West. The Brahmins were a small minority with no political or economic power. They were required to live on alms (does that sound upper caste to you?)

From a Western moral POV, even the original system may appear immoral. But from a Dharmic view, Western morality overweights the interests of the individual and underweights the interests of the collective. Once you no longer view things from Western morality, you can begin to understand the reasoning behind varna system. There's also a lot of misinformation and demonization concerning it, since it has always stood in the way of those who seek to conquer India, overtly or covertly.

As an example of collective (civilizational) interest: The varna system, even the degenerated version later on, is one of the main reasons Hinduism has survived 1000 years of invader rule (800 for Islam and 200 for Christianity via Europeans) bent on trying to impose their religion, way of life and/or civilizational ways. Take a look at this map, and see how Hinduism and way of life is the only indigenous one to survive a head on assault:


Seriously, the holocaust, as bad as it was, pales in comparison to what was done in India.

China proper (the eastern half) also survived, but they were never under the rule of invaders from the green and purple group in the video. Although Buddhism isn't indigenous outside India.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is the more recent one. There was a deadlier one sometime ago. No shots are fired though, since both nuclear armed countries are trying to avoid a full war. Generally, the fights are hand-to-hand, with rocks, and rifle butts.

China had entered into Indian territory and set up tents. Both sides later agreed to withdraw to status quo territories. Except China didn't keep its word (surprise, surprise), and came back ready to provoke a fight. When an Indian army team went there to enquire why the agreement was not being honoured, a Chinese soldier pushed a Colonel of the Indian Army. Indian soldiers went beserk seeing their unit commander (who's like a dad to troops on the battlefield) disrespected, destroyed the Chinese post, and forcibly escorted the Chinese soldiers back over the border.

A second, larger group of Chinese soldiers was waiting there with metal spiked clubs and barbed-wire wrapped rods and large stones. They attacked. 36 Indians vs 250+ Chinese inside Chinese territory. Later reinforcements from both sides came in. Totally 20 Indians and 43 Chinese died (Chinese numbers are reported, since Xi did not officially acknowledge their deaths).

Before coming back, as a warning, the Indian side smashed an embankment the Chinese had built across a river flowing into India.

Source: https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/3-separate-brawls-outsider-chinese-troops-more-most-detailed-account-of-the-brutal-june-15-galwan-battle-1691185-2020-06-21


Indians never liked them since they occupied Indian territory in the 60s (thanks to our traitor of a Prime Minister at the time). But after this recent stunt they pulled on the border and after coronavirus, anti-China sentiment is at an all time high.

BlackDay2020 0 points ago +1 / -1

Also you can't make a vaccine without culturing the virus. So every country that made a vaccine isolated it.

By March already, Japan, Thailand, USA, China and India had isolated the virus. So many people can't be participating in a lie.


BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

No it's just that we grew up thinking of cold and flu as a part of life no different than getting a paper cut (people die here from so many things, life is cheaper than in the first world). I found it amusing since I thought people were freaking out over nothing. Kinda like how people on this forum might find it amusing if someone went around carrying sanitizer for door handles, wearing a mask as well as a faceshield due to fear of covid.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think people need a flu shot anyway. No one takes them in my country (or even knows about them). The first time I heard about them was when I came to the US. I found it amusing.

But to your larger point: You are right, except even private corporations can mess up (and in case of vaccines, they are legally immune right?):


I guess weigh the risks and make your own decision.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only rich Western countries can afford these fancy mRNA vaccines, which also require special logistics to handle.

Most developing countries will probably get them from India instead. There's two vaccines made in India: one outsourced by Oxford University and Astra Zeneca that uses viral vector tech (this is a well established technology that uses a harmless virus to deliver genetic code to produce viral proteins using the body's own cells) called Covishield, and one made by India themselves which uses the old technology of inactivated (whole) coronavirus particles cultured in a lab, called Covaxin. 60-70% efficacy for both.

India makes 60% of the world's vaccines (so probably over half the world's population is safe from the mRNA vaccine).

In theory, the fancy new tech is better. In practice, we'll see...

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you talking about Central Banks? You can add India to the list. India's Central Bank is fully nationalized, and the government owns around 69% of India's largest commerical bank as well.

Rather the danger is from charities. Many Soros funded non-profits, Green Peace, Ford Foundation, communitsts, leftists, Islamists, Christian missionary fronts, establishment media are all trying to take out Modi, the non-establishment candidate, since 2002. Yes weird alliance, but all of these are against the idea of a strong/Hindu India. I know there are many Christians on this site, and I got nothing against them, but you should see how the Christian missionary fronts take advantage of poverty to gain political power. The Church is also the largest land owner after the government.

India is the country with highest inflowing charity, especially from the US. Much of that money might be laundered into destabilization activities.

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