The radiation sickness means it's working.
If voting could change anything, it would be illegal. Ayn jewface Rand.
Because really smart niggers ask this question...because those niggers are smart and stuff.
No evidence period.
You magnify sprinkles of salt ....and get this.
jew run deathcare and robberycare.
Jab the fuck up while supplies last!
Don't cheat yourself, treat yourself!!!
There, you can investigate the differences between astronomy and astrology. That would be a fine start and yes, anything the government funds is a big fat LIE. Der Kuchen ist eine Lüge
That didn't inspire you to dog deeper?
Read more.
Worse than that, they are jews and or traitors.
He had reached a level of retardation so powerful that it could not occupy just one body, so it leapt to the page in an attempt to find more hosts.