Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

I asked a question. Does anyone have an answer because it sounds like COMPLETE BULLSHIT and I can't find anything that says that.

The age limits for pedophilia. Do you also have any proof of that?

Oh no,m like always you simplify things down to propaganda level. Both your statements are utter bullshit.

So back them up with something, or shut the fuck up Axo because your response to my very valid question is a fucking disgrace.

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +1 / -7

I don't give a fuck if he died of an overdose. Even if he did, he was handcuffed on his stomach with a cop kneeling on him for 10 fucking minutes while he was motionless.

Kiss the boot that fucking stomps on you more, you dumb cunt.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +3 / -2

I've seen planets with my own eyes through telescopes, including a very very high powered one at an observatory many years ago. Yes, many images are composites, including most. That does not change the fundamental FACT that every large stellar body holds the same general shape.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +3 / -2

I'm not talking scientists being fooled, they are working in fields and doing math that makes things work that would be IMPOSSIBLE on a flat earth. You will never convince me you are smarter than every person in the entire aurospace field and they are all in on some grand secret.

It's fucking stupid.

Here you are typing on the internet, which is based on millions of people's combined knowledge, disbelieving entire fields of science because you haven't seen the Earth is a fucking globe.

Education has come a long way, but it definitely has to come further if people like you still exist.

I haven't seen an electron with my eyes, but my TV works. Guess I'll have to buy an electron microscope, electricity is fake.

Fucking moronic take is what flat earth is.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Speed of learning is interesting. I was recently made to take AWS courses and I had the opportunity to put the videos at double speed, I wonder how much I would have lost if I hadn't already known most of the info. (we had to watch all the videos, was on an online site and they could check)

Axocomeoutandplay -3 points ago +1 / -4

Including REEEEE in the title of your post reeks of forced outrage and pandering to the right that seem to be the only ones that use the 4chan autistic screech inspired reeee. Childish.

Try using actual vocabulary to get your points across and people might be more receptive.

Or continue to pander to the lowest common denominator, up to you mate!

Axocomeoutandplay 2 points ago +3 / -1

The best tip for speed reading I ever had was to not repeat the words in your mind (inner dialogue). It's pretty hard to do, you have to train yourself unless you're one of those people that has no real monologue, in which case I never thought about their reading speed. Just kind of look at the words but not repeat them. Not everyone is capable of this and actually holding the info.

I'm a bit out of practice speed reading nowadays and find myself falling back to the inner monologue more often than not.

Axocomeoutandplay 2 points ago +4 / -2

I think today is the day the Earth explodes, because for once (for the most part), we seem to be on common ground you and I.

Axocomeoutandplay 2 points ago +6 / -4

No way to know the shape? No way at all? None, like taking pictures via satelites? Sending up a camera? No way at all?

FFS. I know we should question everything, but choosing not to believe things like the shape of the Earth is straight up stupidity at this point in time.

There are hundreds of different types of jobs in the following fields that would just plain not work without knowledge of our planet: physics, geophysics, astronomy, aerospace, anything related navigation, anything related to statelites, shipping boats...

You would have to fool millions and millions of THE smartest minds on the planet.

It is just not possible at this point with the technology and education we have.

I'm sorry, but FUCK FLAT EARTH. We're on a fucking globe, like EVERY single other celestial body we can see in the sky.

Axocomeoutandplay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha. The police bootlickers and racists here didn't like your comment.

Trust me, at least 80% of the people that post here are straight up racist. The other 19% love Trump and the police (when that suits them, if it's anti-left, or anti-race).

The other 1% are me and a guy who names his users off music.

Axocomeoutandplay 2 points ago +3 / -1

No conspiracy here. Just political opinion. As always.

Axocomeoutandplay -15 points ago +3 / -18

Nice fucking propaganda. The NG come around the corner have no details on an accident and help, as they should. WTF do you want them to do without all the details? Stand there like idiots?

Fucking racist divisive agenda post by a clown, like every fucking day in your shitty life.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, you can say bullshit like that to deflect, but your posts and moderation speaks 100% differently. You must have posted at least 200 pro Trump posts since the election alone.

Now let's look at your moderation. Mainly we'll look at removed comments.

Now we can really see which way you lean and how much you censored to craft your narrative. Why, let's just look at this random page. There's thousands of examples of you removing posts that BROKE NO RULES. Even in meta threads.

So you're full of shit, and you paltry criticism of Trump doesn't change the fact you were the biggest pusher of fucking fake news since the election. Look at all that Powell crap and Lin Wood garbage. Egg on your fucking face mate. You either got played, or you're fucking malicious. I hope it's the first, but it's looking more like the 2nd.


Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are such a gaslighting spinmaster is not even fucking funny anymore.

Show me any of these threads where you are shitting on Trump. I want to see them. Back up your words here with anything! You be able to find them on archive sites, so I wanna fucking see them. SHOW THEM OR SHIT THE FUCK UP YOU TRUMP SHILL.

I followed conspiracy since 2015. Mid 2016 you started posting Trump propaganda and haven't stopped. In fact, it didn't even seen like the same person posting anymore. The only thing you've ever said was fuck Trump when people called you or for sucking his dick

You phony fucking piece of shit.

You also still refuse to answer whenever I question my completely bullshit ban by you, yet you claim all 5000 banned were legit. So you are a fucking liar, a gaslighter, and at best at useful idiot for Russia and the gop.

Again, put up or site the fuck up you liar.

by pkvi
Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same thing the other side does for any Covid death. All 500,000 deaths in the US were via motorcycle accident and falling off ladders.

Axocomeoutandplay -1 points ago +2 / -3

We should have submission statements here like over at reddit conspiracy so that low effort content like this can be filtered out by the mods.

Get your pom poms out folks and lets cheer for former president Trump and cry about twitter some more! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw mother fuckers!

I'm assuming the conspiracy here is that people on twitter are petty?

Or is it that the evil left wing media won't leave Trump alone?

Or is it the evil left wing media are hiding Biden's cognitive decline?

Or is it the evil left wing media........ etc... etc...

Axocomeoutandplay -2 points ago +1 / -3

If you're holding someone down and they die and you did nothing to help them for 10 minutes.... well... Have a bit of fucking compassion man. Fuck the police.

Axocomeoutandplay 0 points ago +1 / -1

No conspiracy more politics.

Axocomeoutandplay 1 point ago +2 / -1

Serious question here, for anyone that wants to answer.

I understand there's no evidence yet that the vaccine (or whatever you want to call it, let's not get hung up on the term) reduces symptoms and in general makes Covid less deadly.

That being said, if the symptoms are reduced, such as coughing, sneezing, leaking, would you not then be LESS LIKELY to cough the virus onto everyone?

In this scenario, while it doesn't prevent transmission, it does lower it.

So the question is, does what I typed not make sense?

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