Axocomeoutandplay -18 points ago +1 / -19

Can you please provide us with your address so we can send over the stroke unit?

Seems your brain is working even less than usual, which is really impressive in a way Mr Shirtless Horseriding Faggot.

Axocomeoutandplay -9 points ago +2 / -11

Hey asshole that's against free speech and wants a safe space where his bullshit can't be questioned, how about you, instead, go and get fucked by your fat Orange god?

Hihi you dumb cunt faggot fucker.

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +2 / -9

As a Canadian, his utter disrespect for our country, which had been your closest apply for the past forever, is a fucking also in the face. His stance on receptiveness policies and letting big Corp rape the green more. Trolling is not a world letter quality, I don't give a fuck if you find it funny. His constant lies and ego.

His inability to own up to anything negative. His increase of military budget and books and some strikes. Giving the CIA full drivers with no oversight. Removing the reporting of civilian casualties. His constant hypocrisy (+go see the Reddit forum Trump criticises Trump), nepotism, hiring Barr, the Epstein debacle and he don't give a fuck.

Golfing 120 million into his own pockets at maralago. His praise of dictator's like Kim and Erdogan and Putin and Xi to name a few. Talking about both his daughters sexually. Bring against chain migration yet bringing his hooker's parents over via chain migration. His handling of the missing parents at the border. His utter lack of compassion and decorum.

How about that for a start?

Axocomeoutandplay -13 points ago +2 / -15

Haha I was new years drunk, apologies. No recollection for real. You got me there and I acknowledge my error. I vaguely remember reading the deposition and seeing secondhand knowledge but not even who was saying this shit.

Either way, Sy Hersh hasn't done shit in years except show up on Russian tv and Infowars... So maybe he's flipped to the other wing of the bird.

Call me skeptical of 2nd hand knowledge that will 99% likely amount to nothing again.

Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +2 / -10

I'm considered left wing of and an MSM shill because I don't tow the Trump line so no matter what I post I'm downvoted into the negative. I don't give a fuck. Truth is truth whether idiots believe it or not.

Axocomeoutandplay -21 points ago +2 / -23

Hahaha go trust fucking retarded right wing lawyers you GOP shill. This whole fucking site is full of deranged, unhinged lunatics. When in Rome Bitch Cucklear!

Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +1 / -9

Hello friends! My theory is much simpler. There is no plan, everything is random and fucked and soldier assholes will explore anyone they can!

Axocomeoutandplay -13 points ago +1 / -14

Hahaha. You have listed head mod here and at Reddit Axo's favorite MO. In fact he will post a topic as a honeypot, been dissent, delete the topic, post it again, been dissent, delete the topic, river repay until he is gets mostly replies agreeing with him.

Check out openmodlogs.xyz to see this in action.

Axocomeoutandplay -10 points ago +2 / -12

This is fucking (((Seth))) rich coming from a guy fighting for Trump.

And pushing God.

Also A lawyer is paid to lie for their clients, are we to believe this fucking charlatan?

Lin Wood? More like Ed Wood.

Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +1 / -9

The main thing is, most people just release the shit they have. Dead man switch is nice for a movie, but there isn't much that is so terrible that anyone would have that can't be hand waved away with the proper words or PR campaign. Kill first, cleanup later. Dead man switch = terrible insurance policy in reality.

I can't even think of one ever amounting to anything, Kappy's supposed one (not proven to be his) looked like a foreign bathhouse and not some giant pedophile evidence. Whoopdeedoo.

Axocomeoutandplay -12 points ago +1 / -13

Look out!

Axocomeoutandplay -18 points ago +1 / -19

Hello Mr Staxophone,

Who the fuck is this person and why will this be any different from the previous orange charlatans that never have first hand knowledge of this Rich person?

Honest type question, have you ever wondered why the right wing and only the right wing has so much invested into this Seth rich story? Not one single lefty (not Democrat, LEFTY) seems to have anything on this?

Mrs Stax,

Had a single person even been able to prove that Seth Rich had access and opportunity to get the entire emails off the server? I'll let you guys that answer....

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +2 / -9

Very simple to set up AWS host with encryption keys, even doable on free tier for a cheap Linux or even a Windows system, as an example. If you're the kind of person that needs a dead Man's switch you should do some proper research into them (the empiric you, not you specifically).

And of course more than one is ideal.

Do what I said in 3c different cloud networks, put your own server in a rack difference, give shit to a treasured friend or family member, have a lawyer or many handle it, and even notarize a sealed envelope for your will and testament.

These are just some ideas I have in the door and I've never given much thought to it.

People always claim this dead man switch and it's nothing because it was never seen up. Unlike Pokemon, you shouldn't be able to catch them all.

As for torture. Don't be a pussy!

Now you too can have many dead men in your apartment

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +1 / -8

Mr Russia, men who gives money to politicians who works in Hollywood and makes big for president multiple times and hangs out with Clinton's, and born rich, and billionaire inheritance, and worldwide global business IS NOT A FUCKING OUTSIDER FOR THE 20 THOUSANDTH TIME YOU DUMMY. LOOK AT GOOD FUCKING CABINET YOU DUMB FUCKING CUNT AND WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU YANKEE PIECE OF SHIT LOW IQ FAGGOT.

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +1 / -7

My man Mr Diaper The Donald wanted to make the biglyest deficit.

Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +1 / -9

They are actually very simple when they actually exist!

Let me write a pseudo script to illustrate just how simple. This woods be a dead Man's switch for 1 hour.


Mail to: [email protected]

I am dead here is my info . .

Now run script. It will wait 3600 seconds. At the end it will send the email if you do not kill the task. This can be set up at home, or ideally inside a VM in some cloud service.

Voilà! It's actually fucking simple when it's real.

Gi joooooooooe!

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