Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +1 / -7

Too late green, this was a joke and I am back baby!

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +1 / -8

Shut the fuck up with your pre canned TDS Cambridge Analytica script lines you fucking Orange cock gobbling NPC.

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +1 / -8

If I invest in a company and a product they made catches on fire, is it my fault?

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +2 / -8

The UK are detaining him for extradition to the US for crimes against the US. The Obama administration know where he was and did not prosecute.

This is the Trump admins fault plain and simple.

Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +2 / -10

Much proof, many evidence.

Fucking garbage fear porn.

Bill Gates doesn't even make vaccines.

by TlKr
Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +2 / -7

They say this as they shout tds and NPC and orange man bad and shut up faggot to the sky thinking they are free thinkers and so unique.

Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +1 / -7

Fuck me, for not have stroke, try and decrypt this if you want. I need to get home and stop using my phone to type shit.

Axocomeoutandplay -8 points ago +1 / -9

It's hating a dick face like Mr Orange Beluga the metric for being in on it? What about someone that had one of the highest rated tv shows. Wait for, that is done sorry if catch 22. oh my!

Axocomeoutandplay -5 points ago +3 / -8

People always focus on the Catholic Church, but studies I've read have shown that pretty much every religion are about equal on abuse of children. Some years in the States there were more reports of Protestant abuse and tons by Mormons and the Amish. I hear the Muslim countries are not so great either. All Gods are blind when it comes to abuse it seems a great reason why god is either malevolent or worthless.

Axocomeoutandplay -7 points ago +1 / -8

It's always trolls and never members of the community, but believe you me, there are big Nosed Jews hiding in your cupboard just waiting for you to turn your back so they can stab you with a dradles, not on Saturday though goy.

deleted -10 points ago +1 / -11
Axocomeoutandplay -6 points ago +1 / -7

Here you go!


As for the stemming threat the got deleted it after and I'm not going back through 10 pages of comments.

As for your other shit, I don't fucking care dude I am trolling all you dumb mother fuckers straight up because I was banned for being left wing and disagreeing with the top mod a few days ago. I've been called names constantly, degraded, threatened. So fuck it, when in Rome, embrace the culture.

95% of people here are abrasive condescending pricks arguing bullshit and calling anyone that disagrees fake news faggots. I tried, I really tried. More in going to fuck with people, use satire to make fun of them (look out there's a Jew in your floorboards) and have fun seeing the most ignorant and bigoted people around jerk each other off.

Comprendé? Don't overthink it (I know that's not a problem here lol)

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