Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +2 / -1

This will further push the internet to the two extremes camp and leave out rational discussion as the angry people will flood what fewer channels there are (if any).

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

How far do you think most people would read what you wrote?

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which sucks as you can't see what others REALLY think.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I figured something was creepy about all those billionaires who made these reality shows.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. I forgot about the 'MTV Gen' as I haven't watched it and STILL don't even know what MTV really is.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand the first half but what do you mean by 'easier to gain traction outside of said community?'

Antimediabullshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

The internet has been dead since 2014. China owns it sadly via Ten Cent.

Antimediabullshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Next thing people will spin it to say my eyes lied to me when the 80s were better then today. (Sure not perfect) but far better then this dystopia shit where people are afraid of each other and less choices. The 80s was the last of the good era beginning to fail as companies started to eat each other up but the effects were not full blown yet.

Antimediabullshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

You deserved an upvote so I gave it to you. However 9/11 didn't close the border. You could still freely travel to Canada AND BACK up till about 2006 or so. Bush provided the nails and Obama used the hammer.

Antimediabullshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's pretty shitty and the left want that HERE IN THE US? WTF? How can the voters VOTE THIS WITH A FULL CONSCIENCE and still sleep at night?

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well it appears the ice is breaking up and they are probably going to blame it on 'globular warming' or something stupid.

Antimediabullshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

We blew it trying to interconnect a broken system together. It's like linking expiring or expired smoke alarms and you think you have full protection but actually don't. You test it and hearing it beep you think you have full protection but in actually the sensor chamber may have degraded a lot. All you just did was ensure the electrics and beeper worked.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't plan it but they do take full advantage of the situation to further themselves at our expense. They leave the planning to us and we do their dirty work.

Antimediabullshit 4 points ago +4 / -0

Venezuela did everything ultra socialist and went broke within a few years. Hillary on record stated she 'couldn't be more proud of Venezuela' when they did shit stuff with their oil and people there were starving. They were among the largest economies before the current leader stopped caring.

Antimediabullshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it weren't for PCEM to run Windows 98 stuff that Virtualbox cannot ever hope to run I'd be done with Windows. I think there may be a Linux fork but I've heard it's a nightmare to setup as with most things Linux.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well things were not actually fine in the 80s but the mood and vibe was completely different. Watch any old 80s driving/shopping videos or earlier on Youtube and you can see people had more respect for each other for the most part. Those that didn't stood out more where now those that respect are the ones that stand out and it should not be this way!!!

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +2 / -1

You forgot in the 80s we had actual stores to go do and most were still ran by their original founders which all changed from the 90s onwards. Either you forgot or were not born yet as I said.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lot of other countries are or were before Covid started to have their own little (1980s) boom to them. Ireland got into computers not too long ago and they started becoming rich and are having a 'mini' boom era just before Covid hit. It caused them to build more motorways making it faster to get around where they used to have tiny narrow roads that would make what SHOULD be a 45 min trip from each end of the island take twice as long.

Antimediabullshit 2 points ago +3 / -1

I was born at the end of the era but we all took it for granted choices we had and at least here in the US most stores still had followers of the founders left in charge whom at least pretended to care about the business unlike today. Hell even Amazon was innovative till the last several years and nobody seems to give a fuck anymore.

Clothes were still cloth and food didn't have anything other then just regular sugar in it. No High corn syrup that makes you fat among other things and no other weird shit they throw in that keeps the food 'lasting longer'. Seriously when was the last time you EVER saw bread go moldy? They have these yogurts that don't need to be frozen which is VERY suspicious and I don't trust any of it one bit.

We went this way from the mid 90s onwards as we said 'fuck capitalism' and started pounding a square peg into a round hole trying so hard to make it fit and now it's a fucking mess with no answers except a one world government it seems.

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