Everyone focuses on airports so my post is about things you cannot do today that are totally unrelated to airport security but still changed as a result of 9/11 paranoia affecting our daily lives?
One thing you used to be able to do that you can't is go to the power house of a dam because of a few fucking terrorist in a cave which 99 percent of us don't abide so somehow we are all guilty. Before 9/11 I've heard you could go into them in paid tours and go pretty deep actually.
Are dams the only thing altered because of 9/11 or what else have you noticed that are not related to airports? OH I FORGOT: Most dams now you have to pass thru some sort of security check that I think you didn't have to before but I could be wrong.
That's pretty shitty and the left want that HERE IN THE US? WTF? How can the voters VOTE THIS WITH A FULL CONSCIENCE and still sleep at night?
The problem even deeper. Voting is a total hoax unless a voter could at least personally check that his vote really counted in total result and counted correctly.
Without a possibility to check the results of voting voting is just a spectecle or ritual, if you like, intended to convince voters that somebody else voted for that bastards.