AnonymousFrog 3 points ago +4 / -1

Let me get this straight, Trump is lying because he knows no one will believe him anyway?

How about the truth? I think by now we can handle it. This bumbling around, grifting, and saying “Trust the Plan” while the country goes to hell is getting old.

I don’t care who shills the vaccine, they are not your friend.

AnonymousFrog 1 point ago +4 / -3

Lol. I have a feeling you aren’t really mad that I pointed out the psychopathic propaganda put out by the likes of Rachel Maddow, since you should be used to it. I think the problem is that there doesn’t seem to be anyone with any political power on our side. Yeah, I know it sucks, but it’s life.

AnonymousFrog 2 points ago +4 / -2

“Bro, why can I see Mt. Ranier from way over yonder?”

I noticed a while ago that by searching on a physics forum, I’d find these arguments addressed about 15 years ago.

by pkvi
AnonymousFrog 0 points ago +1 / -1

Makes me wonder why the Republicans can’t seem to find someone better than Jim Jordan to question him.

AnonymousFrog 1 point ago +2 / -1

Peter Strzok Richard Spencer give me the Hydra vibe.

AnonymousFrog 7 points ago +10 / -3

Flat Earth is one of the more obvious psyops. Eric Dubay seems to be the origin of the more recent iteration. Literally, who? Am I right? He’s some rando living in the Phillipines.

Essentially the argument is “NASA lies, therefore Flat Earth.” Drools on self

Flat Earth guru: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g8zwFM5TCSs

Just as much a psyop as the alt-right and Alex “They’re Turning the Frogs Gay” Jones. Even when they tell the truth, they manage to make inquisitive people who challenge the establishment sociopaths look like idiots via guilt by association (thanks Mockingbird Media).

by pkvi
AnonymousFrog 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jordan Peterson seems like controlled opposition. Maybe Ted Kaczynski is too or maybe they drove him crazy with their experiments, but he seems the more insightful of the two.

AnonymousFrog 2 points ago +3 / -1

Neither do masks. Knut Wittkowski and Harvey Risch should have been Trump’s advisors. Instead we got dumb and dumber.

And now Trump is pushing these experimental vaccines. He said he got the vaccine after supposedly having been infected and no one calls him out on it. Something is wrong with him.

AnonymousFrog 0 points ago +1 / -1

A lot of people point to past unethical experiments while they say nothing about the current corruption.

AnonymousFrog 4 points ago +6 / -2

Maybe they’d be better off.

AnonymousFrog 4 points ago +5 / -1

This is now: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UM9JvYjPW6o. If you don’t want to watch it all, go to 6:30 and 10:00.

AnonymousFrog 0 points ago +2 / -2

Anyone use “Oxygen Advantage” by Patrick McKeown?

by pkvi
AnonymousFrog 4 points ago +5 / -1

Lol at all these Republicans getting off their asses to do something months after the fact. Seems like more of the same false opposition.

AnonymousFrog 1 point ago +3 / -2

Send Bill Gates to Siberia—in a Speedo.

by pkvi
AnonymousFrog 2 points ago +3 / -1

Reminds me of slavery. People think the elite exploiting labor has stopped. Deep down they know about sweat shops, but ignore it. People like Lebron James with his crybaby antics while his shoes are made in some factory where they don’t have a Bernie Bro minimum wage.

AnonymousFrog 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lol. Talk about escalating quickly.

AnonymousFrog 1 point ago +2 / -1

There are a lot of places life might exist and, supposedly, you can travel quit far going near light speed, while aging slowly. Who knows what’s true, but the idea that alien contact is basically impossible is not credible assuming the standard Physics and Astronomy teaching on these topics are believable. Having said that, there’s a ton of bullshit in the UFOlogy scene.

by pkvi
AnonymousFrog 2 points ago +3 / -1

These all contain modified viral RNA or DNA.

AnonymousFrog 0 points ago +1 / -1

‘In condemnation of that lobby, however, we cannot overlook the obviously unwarranted assurances of vaccine manufacturers that alteration of our genetic code “will not happen.” Such a statement casts doubt on (a) their competence in their own field, and (b) their willingness to accept the consequences of their own actions.

‘Moreover, reverse transcription is a known means of normal human chromosome-to-chromosome gene mobility, a fascinating process whose study goes back to the pioneering work of Barbara McClintock in the 1930s. It has thus been well-known, for the better part of a century, that the effects of moving genes around will very much depend on where they are moved, and on exactly and precisely what is moved.

‘In the case of the current vaccine-borne corona spike protein gene, no one has any clue as to where in our genomes it will wind up, or what it will do when it gets there.

‘There is a corona vaccine, Novavax, which contains no genetic material at all (i.e., no DNA or RNA), but rather consists solely of the corona spike protein. Of all the available vaccines, this is the one least likely to cause human genetic harm. But almost no one gets it, because it’s not available in most countries. Why not?

‘There are also at least two corona vaccines (Sinopharm, Sinovac) which are made from whole inactivated virus, analogous to the polio vaccines of the 20th century. This is a tried and tested form of technology, but very few people get those vaccines either.

‘Instead, we’re all being pressured into taking hastily prepared genetic vaccines, which are likely to transform our heredity, permanently. Is there any reason for this, other than countless billions of dollars in windfall profits?

‘It is my view that the massive and barely studied global human genetic experiment going on right now is the biological equivalent of a drunk driver, speeding down the highway with impunity at 60 mph — at night without headlights — because he says that “he knows the road.”

‘Most sensible people are wary about “GMO,” even in food. Now we’re going to genetically modify ourselves? Why? What madness is this?‘

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