Recommended reading on the subject?
Like auditory or via electrodes of some sort? Just curious. Got me started on an adventure here friend.
Can you elaborate on what method or product you used?
Better yet, trap and eat 'em. The little ones taste like bunnies and the big fattier ones taste like chicken thighs. Throw in some spuds and jalapeños and you got yourself a stew or enchiladas.
How do you explain hair after being burned at the stake?
Is this anything other than conjecture?
Hope you're right fren. Got to keep our eyes on the only thing that's important-our creator- and never stoop to the level of evil.
Digging up an old one...who is it on page 36?
Time for a first time post. You said it brother. While so many mourn the lifestyles they've lost over the past 18 months, I thank Him who made me. I had my back turned for a long time in disbelief and anger, but my path began to change. These times have proven that there is righteousness and there is evil.
Like you say, i feel awoken. I do not fear what awaits, because i welcome what is in the end, whenever that may be. Stay strong brothers and sisters.
We don't have nor are we close allies with countries that export massive amounts chromium, cobalt, or titanium. Nickel we can get, but good luck with titanium or high performance alloys without resorting to sources like this or going to countries that are more closely aligned with the east (Congo, south Africa, China, russia).