33reasons 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Both were malnourished babies, adopted by loving, prosperous families from orphanages in Pakistan and Honduras."

by pkvi
33reasons 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you are on your death bed years from now, I hope that you will reflect back to how much of your life you wasted typing 2 additional keystrokes typing "ayh" instead of just using "I". Too be ayhronic, maybe you could have someone chisel "AYH DED" on your tombstone.

33reasons 2 points ago +2 / -0

There use to be another person like this guy but can't remember the site....

fullyaware? 4ware?

The other persons site would make comparisons between "celebrity A" and "celebrity B" to convince they are the same person. Trying to convince either as clones or shapeshifters...cant remember.

Same style, lots of pictures and circles and lines drawn everywhere.

Anyone remember this? It was about 5-10 years ago

by pkvi
33reasons 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know all the weapons and munitions being removed from the inventory books of US stock and given to Ukraine?

What if it isn't all actually leaving the USA?