1234abc 1 point ago +2 / -1

What? How does my faith make me a socialist? I hate commies of any kind, it is quite literally against my religion.

1234abc 0 points ago +1 / -1

What? Don't misunderstand me, I wasn't trying to start a debate. I was simply stating facts.

1234abc 1 point ago +2 / -1

I never said that you shouldn't do anything that isn't the original design of the Creator, I said that you shouldn't do to your body anything that displeases the Creator. Altering your body to appear to be a sex you aren't is definitely displeasing to God, but I see no reason why piercings or hair dye would displease God. That being said, I do personally think that piercings and hair dye should be discouraged.

1234abc 0 points ago +4 / -4

Except that in the end, your body is not yours, it belongs to your Creator. No one has any right to treat his body in a way that displeases God.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

"The upper tolerable limit is 4,000 international units (IU) daily, and the recommended amount for women 14 to 70 is 600 IU per day. Women 71 and older should aim for 800 IU per day. "

This is how much vitamin D a woman should get if taking supplements. I used that unit of measurement because you mentioned that you take supplements so I was assuming that you would understand what I was referring to. It is measured in blood by nanograms per milliliter. A woman needs at least 20 nanograms per milliliter of vitamin D a day to remain healthy. Is that specific enough for you?

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude, I just TOLD you what the optimal levels for me are! 600 units! I also know how to properly obtain those 600 units a day. Did you even read my response? I value objective truth, and objective truth says that if I were vitamin d deficient, I would not feel very well, but I feel and look just fine. I am very healthy. People a hundred years ago couldn't check their levels but they knew they were healthy because of the way they lived and felt. It's no different here. I am homeschooled by the way.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

PeEr ReViEwEd StUdY

It's about 600 units a day by the way. A thirty minute walk in midday sun alone is enough to achieve the bare minimum levels necessary for a healthy lifestyle. I spend anywhere between thirty minutes to a few hours a day in the sun depending on the day. Not to mention the vitamin d accumulated from dairy, eggs and fish. I consume lots of dairy, quite a bit of eggs, and fish every now and again. Like I said, I don't NEED my doctor to tell me my levels because I know that I live a lifestyle conducive to getting a lot of vitamin d in my system.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Definitely not a troll, and you do realize that there are side effects when you are deficient in certain vitamins, right? For example, muscle cramps when one is low on potassium (vitamin k). A lack of vitamin D will leave a person sluggish and depressed, among other things, it's the reason why so many young people are depressed and tired all of the time. I'm not sure exactly what I have gotten wrong here. Calling me ignorant is not getting much of a reaction out of me either. Only stupid people fear being perceived as stupid.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't lie. I don't need a piece of paper to tell me that I am not deficient in essential vitamins. If I was, I would probably be depressed, struggle with muscle cramps and arthritis, etc. And I don't. I get plenty of sun each day and take supplements. I don't need a doctor to tell me that my levels are healthy when I know my body.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't had my levels checked, but I have none of the common symptoms of deficiency in either. Like I said, I make sure to do things that keep my levels up, so there shouldn't be any reason for them to be low. As for my comment about my immune system, yes, it is easier for me to catch a viral infection after being around someone who is sick because my immune system is weaker than yours, hence why you don't catch viral infections as easily. That does not mean that viruses don't exist.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am actually not deficient in either of those. I get lots of sun and take vitamin supplements. I was a NICU baby, so I have a weaker immune system than most people.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

In every experience I have had it took months, but let's pretend for a moment that you are correct. It still doesn't happen after one contact.

1234abc 2 points ago +3 / -1

Cold viruses usually show up between a day and a week after exposure, flu usually shows up a week or two after. Have you never had a cold before? I have had plenty of colds where I was around a friend who had one and developed the same symptoms two days later.

1234abc 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's alright, I really don't know much about the topic either, it just seems like the theory could be easily refuted at the surface level. But, I am no expert on the subject.

1234abc 1 point ago +2 / -1

Menstrual cycles syncing can take multiple months to begin and the women have to be in close contact with each other on a weekly/daily basis - it doesn't just happen after one meeting. Seems like a pretty poor comparison to me.

1234abc 1 point ago +2 / -1

If it were environmental factors like 5g, the human immune system would be useless. Why do white blood cells exist if germs/viruses didn't exist? As for things like allergens, I have seasonal allergies and I can tell the difference between when I am sick and when I am dealing with allergies. The symptoms may not seem different, but they feel different. It just seems way too perfect to be just "environmental".

1234abc 2 points ago +4 / -2

But what if I didn't eat food while with someone who was sick? Like, say I visited a friend's house while he was sick and then got sick shortly afterwards but never consumed any food at his house and the two of us hadn't shared any food among households recently.

1234abc 4 points ago +6 / -2

All I know is, I am near a person with a fever and a cough, next day I too have a fever and a cough. This sounds kind of retarded.