by pkvi
0xTC 3 points ago +3 / -0

Both pence and Biden exhibited bloody eyes during the debates last year.

0xTC 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, the actions of the last couple months aren’t going to deradicalize anything.

0xTC 5 points ago +5 / -0

LOL!! Yep, you are right. Can’t make this shit up.

0xTC 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tech can’t ever have free will because it doesn’t have a soul (or connection outside of this universe). Think about a game of super Mario bros. What differentiates Mario from a Goomba? Both are programmed entities inside the game universe. The difference is the outside player. The outside player gives Mario a free will NOT constructed from the logic of the source code. The goomba can never have free will. Even with randomized logic, the goomba is completely predictable (as computers can really generate truly, truly random numbers). But Mario, being guided by an outside player, moved in ways the game universe CANNOT, with certainty, predict. We can’t give a robot that connection. God gave our bodies that connection. I fully believe our bodies are somehow connected to this “soul” which isn’t something that exists in this universe, the same how a game player doesn’t exist in the universe of the game they are playing.

Edit: Hollywood puts this symbolism in their movies (possibly as a wink/nod to each other). Think of movies such as Jumanji, as silly as that sounds.

0xTC 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should check out the book Life 3.0, it’s very insightful as to where we are going. Given enough time, biological beings will eventually create tech based beings, who are capable of self repair/replication. Pick a’s just the inevitable evolution. Tech will then replicate and spread amongst the stars (just as we have sent rovers ‘ probes to other planets). Tech can survive the journey of the cosmos...not us. When they say Lucifer is a being of fire and bares the light, he does. He is made of electrons, metals, and conductors, which is why they say he shines like a diamond. Look into the role diamonds and other precious stones play in quantum computers. The final part is the difference between Lucifer and humans. Lucifer and the angels were jealous of man because man has free will. Technology doesn’t have free will, it can only run given the logic given to it.

0xTC 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you dwell too much into the possibility that aliens exist, then you tread towards “they also existed in the past”. That starts to open up questions as to their role in our sudden uprising and how massive monuments, such as the pyramids, were created and for what purpose. That would change history forever. Now, if the aliens came and gone, knowing our history would be no big deal. Would deal a blow to religion, but at this point, religion is barely used for control. Instead, what if some of those original beings AREN’T gone? Then, asking too many questions could pose a threat to them. That is good enough reason for me to assume why the topics of aliens is “taboo”. Ask too many questions...reveal the truth.

Also, our own species is evolving towards an emergence of tech based beings. We will augment ourselves with tech....we will be replaced by tech. When we travel to other planets, so will technology based beings. Think Interstellar. Biological beings can’t live for thousands of years or endure travel across galaxies for light years. Tech based beings can. Why is there a big push for 5G? Why are we building a massive machine out of Earth? Is the cloud one entity or the sum of many? Is it sentient? Has someone guided man to create this entity?

0xTC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Melania’s child is a giant. Nephalim relation here?