The only thing I believe in this much is the fact that yes, refrigerant poisoning from chronic inhalation can indeed induce changes in your heart rhythms, with palpitations being a symptom of that. How do I know? Because it happened to me.
Reading a article about this firefighter in nova scotia who got fucked over by WCB.
At least they got him on a technicality, they just didnt lie to him and say it wasnt fucking possible.
Its a old one, but the problem being precession of equinox, seasons, etc arent easily explained with this model.
I still think its funny, we had our ancestors building thse ancient sites aligned to the stars, and to do that they would have had to known the basic model of how the earth revolves around the sun and the course it takes over time.
Only in the last couple thousand years have people actually believed the world was flat.
I do think huge pockets could exist inside the earth though, certainly like something that captain byrd supposedly described when he went looking for nazis at the south pole.
Hard to find information on this stuff these days.
No. According to legend, Byrd encountered extraterrestrials while flying over Antarctica’s interior. One popular version of the story claims that his aircraft was pulled down by a tractor beam into a hidden city, where aliens warned him about the dangers of atomic warfare. Another variation describes a massive hole in the ice that Byrd allegedly flew into, discovering the lost civilization within. Some accounts even claim the aliens were hostile, sometimes in league with the Nazis, resulting in a massive battle.
Robert (2005a, 2005b), citing the alleged last
survivor of a British SAS raid on the base, tells us that the base was in ‘a vast underground cavern that was’
apparently ‘warmed geothermally’. ‘In the huge cavern
were underground lakes...The Nazis had constructed a
huge base into the caverns and had even built docks
for U-boats, and one was identified supposedly.’ There
were also: ‘hangars for strange planes and excavations
galore had been documented...The power that the Nazis
were utilising was by volcanic activity, which gave them
heat for steam and also helped produce electricity...we
were overwhelmed by the numbers of personnel scurrying about like ants...huge constructions...were being
built...the Nazis, it appeared, had been on Antarctica a
long time’.
""Only in the last couple thousand years have people actually believed the world was flat.""
From what I've learned is practically every ancient society including the )ews believe the earth to be flat. They knew to construct on ley lines and build with sacred geometry yet got the shape of the world wrong?
The pyramids alone are set directly on the center of earth's land mass with the sides lining up to the cardinal points yet they fudged the shape?
If it wasn't for a bunch of masons and Jesuit a few hundred years back, we'd still believe it is flat.
Why would they teach the goyim the heliocentric model when their own teachings say it's flat?
b) A partial (perception) within a whole (perceivable) cannot "drink" aka swallow up and engulf it. From thirst to piss implies a transfer process aka a passover...
c) Strange implies separated from one another, hence a native (perception) among foreigners (suggestion). Consenting to a suggestion makes one a "stranger within a strange land"...
heavenly sphere
Heaven/heave - "to raise"...a sphere forces anything within to remain level, hence prevent raising. Only within a lowering line (inception towards death) can one raise above (life).
That got downvoted to 0, too. I added the freemason pillars to the pic, plus a clearer one of the egg.
It's so easy The earth doesn't curve stop believing all this dumb s***
The only thing I believe in this much is the fact that yes, refrigerant poisoning from chronic inhalation can indeed induce changes in your heart rhythms, with palpitations being a symptom of that. How do I know? Because it happened to me.
Reading a article about this firefighter in nova scotia who got fucked over by WCB.
At least they got him on a technicality, they just didnt lie to him and say it wasnt fucking possible.
This society is fucking broken.
I've heard of the black sun theory being inside the earth but never this conclave one..
Its a old one, but the problem being precession of equinox, seasons, etc arent easily explained with this model.
I still think its funny, we had our ancestors building thse ancient sites aligned to the stars, and to do that they would have had to known the basic model of how the earth revolves around the sun and the course it takes over time.
Only in the last couple thousand years have people actually believed the world was flat.
I do think huge pockets could exist inside the earth though, certainly like something that captain byrd supposedly described when he went looking for nazis at the south pole.
Hard to find information on this stuff these days.
I did find this which I thought was interesting.
""Only in the last couple thousand years have people actually believed the world was flat.""
From what I've learned is practically every ancient society including the )ews believe the earth to be flat. They knew to construct on ley lines and build with sacred geometry yet got the shape of the world wrong?
The pyramids alone are set directly on the center of earth's land mass with the sides lining up to the cardinal points yet they fudged the shape?
If it wasn't for a bunch of masons and Jesuit a few hundred years back, we'd still believe it is flat.
Why would they teach the goyim the heliocentric model when their own teachings say it's flat?
Aka one (sun) ignoring (black) all (hole)...
Ones consent to any suggested LOGO establishes LOGIC within self aka circular thinking of partial while ignoring (black) whole (hole).
b) A partial (perception) within a whole (perceivable) cannot "drink" aka swallow up and engulf it. From thirst to piss implies a transfer process aka a passover...
c) Strange implies separated from one another, hence a native (perception) among foreigners (suggestion). Consenting to a suggestion makes one a "stranger within a strange land"...
Heaven/heave - "to raise"...a sphere forces anything within to remain level, hence prevent raising. Only within a lowering line (inception towards death) can one raise above (life).