They throw the masses a bone to gnaw on and masses happily do just that.
I'm calling it now. In about two weeks time everyone will forget about JFK and nothing, absolutely nothing, will come out of it. Something new will happen, some new bone will be thrown and everyone will gnaw on that.
George Carlin said it 30 years ago in the simplest and plainest language possible and the masses still don't get it!
Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize the government doesn't give a fuck about them. The government doesn't care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn't give a fuck about you. It's interested in it's own power. That's the only thing... keeping it, and expanding wherever possible.
This is all bullshit, folks.
It's a big club and you're not in it!
Truth delayed is truth denied. Same happened with Covid; if it was common knowledge that it was made in a lab by the same guy pushing the cure, no one would have gotten the jab. Well, we know that's true now but too late.
Same with JFK. If people at the time knew it was the Jews, would we have seen the Iran coup and everything that followed? But now we're balls deep in the ME so it doesn't matter to people.
Yep, seems like it. On a similar note, what happened to Epstein files? When will we be able to witness first arrests? I guess it's just two more weeks, eh...
I give up man. It's like arguing with a group caught in a maze with no exits. One half of the group wants to go left, the other right. Here I am being yelled at both sides as they say "AT LEAST WE ARE TRYING TO GET SOMEWHERE" as I try to explain the maze has no exits and the only way out is breaking the rules of the maze.
Yep, it is what it is... I think people are being honest when they say that at least they're trying to get somewhere. They really are... Still, all they ultimately do is shuffle around on the same stage. Over and over again.
What we really should do is learn to see the stage for what it is. A stage, makebelieve, kayfabe... You're absolutely right, there's no exit from the maze until we realize we're actually in it.
If they are being honest, they would instantly make it clear that the CIA did it and the killers were from the CIA.
He's my favorite closet flat earther too
You sound like a very positive person.
Do you want what you say to happen?
Haha, I'm the epitome of positivity!
Seriously, though, of course I do not want it to happen this way. I want some real positive change and for people to finally wake up. I wouldn't bet my money on it however...