A script implies a suggested "outline, being implies ones perception within perceivable line, hence ones life being moved from inception towards death...a life-line.
A quest-ion implies towards suggested outcome, hence tempting one to seek an answer. Being implies ones perception reacting to perceivable origin aka ion (action).
A suggested QUEST tempts one to ignore perceivable ION...no one else can supply an answer to revert ones own ignorance.
Aka per (by) sonos (sound) implies each in-stru-mental reaction by and within sound...not to words (fiction) shaped within sound (reality).
Who implies "what person". If person implies by sound (per sonos), then what else could one come into being by?
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
a) America/amerigo/amalrich - "work ruler" implies the rule (momentum) of work (motion) for each worker (matter) within.
b) Israel/yisra'el - "he that striveth with god" implies each worker (life) resisting the rule (inception towards death) of work aka ones struggle to sustain self by needing to resist wanted temptation.
c) Public (plural) implies the inversion of person (singular) aka few tempting many together to distract each from being a part within whole.
d) Affair/adfacere - "towards making" implies the inversion of being (life) forwarded (inception towards death). Suggested make/macian/mag - "to knead, fashion, fit" aka magic is utilized by few to knead many together.
c) Committee/committere - "thrown together" implies the inversion of being (life) thrown (inception towards death) apart from one another.
At this point it seems that the ultimate goal is to remake humanity into a swarm in which each individual has no mind of their own whatsoever. Also, it seems that they have started with our governments. Our governments already function like a swarm. This video illustrates it perfectly.
Most of the general public still lives under the impression that our governments consist of free thinking individuals in which each of them has something to bring to the table - expertise, opinion, experience etc - and that the consensus is being reached through debate and compromise between all those individuals. Well, that quite obviously is not true anymore. Our governments function like a swarm. No individual has any say whatsoever while the government as a whole possess an intelligence of its own.
That is quite a scary thought if you think about it. We are being governed by a swarm intelligence and the ultimate goal is to make everyone else into units of the swarm as well.
On a similar note, what if we already are being governed by an AI? I first had this thought during covid scam when everything was getting absurdly ridiculous while the official governments all were parroting the same talking points over and over again... So, what if we are being ruled by an AI and have been from about the end of 2019 or so?
A danger to our democracy.
EDIT: This is a fantastic video. Everyone should watch.
The bigger question is, who is writing their scripts? Their "AIPAC person"?
Oy vey, stop noticing.
A script implies a suggested "outline, being implies ones perception within perceivable line, hence ones life being moved from inception towards death...a life-line.
A quest-ion implies towards suggested outcome, hence tempting one to seek an answer. Being implies ones perception reacting to perceivable origin aka ion (action).
A suggested QUEST tempts one to ignore perceivable ION...no one else can supply an answer to revert ones own ignorance.
Aka per (by) sonos (sound) implies each in-stru-mental reaction by and within sound...not to words (fiction) shaped within sound (reality).
Who implies "what person". If person implies by sound (per sonos), then what else could one come into being by?
a) America/amerigo/amalrich - "work ruler" implies the rule (momentum) of work (motion) for each worker (matter) within.
b) Israel/yisra'el - "he that striveth with god" implies each worker (life) resisting the rule (inception towards death) of work aka ones struggle to sustain self by needing to resist wanted temptation.
c) Public (plural) implies the inversion of person (singular) aka few tempting many together to distract each from being a part within whole.
d) Affair/adfacere - "towards making" implies the inversion of being (life) forwarded (inception towards death). Suggested make/macian/mag - "to knead, fashion, fit" aka magic is utilized by few to knead many together.
c) Committee/committere - "thrown together" implies the inversion of being (life) thrown (inception towards death) apart from one another.
Here's a sleight of hand by Magic Affair (jewish btw)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgAKnsO6N-s + https://genius.com/Magic-affair-omen-iii-lyrics
Great video.
At this point it seems that the ultimate goal is to remake humanity into a swarm in which each individual has no mind of their own whatsoever. Also, it seems that they have started with our governments. Our governments already function like a swarm. This video illustrates it perfectly.
Most of the general public still lives under the impression that our governments consist of free thinking individuals in which each of them has something to bring to the table - expertise, opinion, experience etc - and that the consensus is being reached through debate and compromise between all those individuals. Well, that quite obviously is not true anymore. Our governments function like a swarm. No individual has any say whatsoever while the government as a whole possess an intelligence of its own.
That is quite a scary thought if you think about it. We are being governed by a swarm intelligence and the ultimate goal is to make everyone else into units of the swarm as well.
On a similar note, what if we already are being governed by an AI? I first had this thought during covid scam when everything was getting absurdly ridiculous while the official governments all were parroting the same talking points over and over again... So, what if we are being ruled by an AI and have been from about the end of 2019 or so?