The Annunaki tricks humans into switching from telepathy to words.
Telepathy is not the transfer of words from one mind to another. It's the reading of energies to determine what is going on. We do this today with our pets and toddlers who can't really communicate. We sense what it is they are doing, how they are feeling and what they need.
These senses are telepathic in that the body releases vibes that can be interpreted by others. These vibes happen both outside of ourselves and inside because the minds are connected from within allowing us to do telepathy from long distances.
The Annunaki taught words to the Egyptian and told them to always just use words. Why? Because words are a poor form of communication. Many words mean different things. There are many languages. Overall, words are a confusing way to communicate but telepathy is clean.
Although somewhat dormant, as humans develop telepathy to the levels we had them in ancient times, then we will be able to us 99% telepathy and 1% words to do our dealings without any issue at all.
The 1st step is simply becoming aware of this because awareness starts to awaken the ability.
I'd like to thank Rothschild who tipped us off to this conspiracy in this 2011 Rotshchild Q&A titled "I am Rofschild. Axe me a question."
Tele (afar; at a distance) + Path (narrow passageway)...sound implies the narrow passageway (inception towards death) for each expansive instrument (life) within.
The separation of sound (whole) and instruments (partials) positioned each instrument a) as a divided stance (di-stance) within all, and b) at a distance from one another.
While the narrow passageway of sound permits each expansive instrument to utilize free will of choice for expanding; the suggestion of words tempts ones free will of choice to bind itself to other instruments, hence narrowing down expansion.
Suggested telepathy (path afar) tempts ones perception to ignore being near the path of all perceivable, hence all sound moving through each instrumental one. It doesn't get nearer than being formed within flow.
a) TELE (afar; at a distance) implies the transfer of words from one mind to another, which in return tempts tele-com-unic-ation aka tele (at a distance) com (together) unic (unique; separated) ation (action)...a contradiction in terms.
Resisting the temptation of "telecom" allows growth of unic (life) within the path of ation (inception towards death).
b) Notice that transferring words tempts the recipient to hold onto a definition (definite; affixed); which contradicts the trans-form-ation of instrumental beings within sound.
a) There can be only one energy aka all for one and one for all. Plural/plus - "more than one" implies the suggested word used to invert perceivable sound/sanus "entire; all in one".
Consenting to suggested plural (+) negates (-) being singular (one).
b) Determine; verb - "to settle, decide upon; state definitely; fix the bounds of; limit in time or extent"....that contradicts sound setting each instrumental being free from one another.
Terminare (to mark the boundary) tricks free will of choice to hold onto a side within the boundary of balance, which in return imbalances choice.
Aka each vi-tal; vi-brating; vi-gorous be-ing aka ones expression outwards from within all...not the transfer towards other ones.
A being isn't suppose to categorize the vibes of others...only to sustain ones vitality of being.
Few suggest "vibrant" to collectivize many...
Interpret/interpres - "agent; translator"...only energy translates agent (loss) into patients (growth) aka action into reactions aka sound into instruments.
Interpretation among beings sells many out to few, hence diminishing what each being can do.
Same sound differentiates each instrument from one another...words suggested by few tempt "alike" consent by many.
Axing a quest-ion cuts a suggested outcome (quest) from perceivable origin (action)...if one lets go of possession (me).
Aka buckle; verb - "distort, warp, bend out of shape; to bend under strong pressure"...
I wont go into it much here.
But I investigated, practiced ,and did some scientific studies on this topic.
What I can say is that a non verbal human with source hyperborean dna has functioning telepathy, it is the same output as a baby's first year of speaking. Gibberish babble.
I ran multiple experiments. My favorite is stimulating your frontal lobe attempting telepathy "Which is not the same as thinking, telepathy is projecting your thoughts and has more involvement than a simple internal thought." and seeing the immediate response and engagement from the subject.
Once the non verbal infant begins to finds its voice to communicate the direct telepathy and communication essential ends.
Reality is effecting telepathy. Once a soul discovers the realm they have been bound to and sees how they communicate it mimics the learned behavior. Although engaging in telepathy it cannot remain the the souls ways to communicate as no one engages back. Even engaging back the soul still loses telepathy once mouth noises corollate to attention or food.
to believe in telepathy you must first question the world.
Can you explain more? How to train it?
You can PM me if possible if you don't want to post?
Train what exactly your brain?
Meditation is the key to the kingdom king.
I was not aware of telepathy being legitimate until I had successfully astral projected.
Decalcifying the penial glad seems to be important.
The only thing the elites fear is the population understanding and manipulating the unknown and unseen.
Its not something you can just learn, you have unlimited potential already inside. you must learn how to discover it.
Meditation was key.
After Understanding and becoming well versed in meditation I started to use Binaural beats to enable Hemi Sync.
I occasionally see niggers and jews react to my negative thoughts towards them in real time.
Which hemi sync tapes?
I have mixed feelings about the Gateway Tapes for example, apparently they open you up for some bad entities.
How did you decalcify the pineal gland?
What is your diet like?
I appreciate the information. Ty
I have not used the Monroe tapes for obvious reasons.
You might enjoy this. I typically share this with people that are interested.
His story ends with gangstalkers and loosing everything by hackers, All his socials bank account essential everything not tied down. He came back for one last video on another account, states it was to sophisticated for regular hackers and he's pretty sure they got him.
I used the same one he did. And it worked. But I had to do the work. Nothing was handed to me.
I stopped consuming any product that had fluoride. I basically went primitive with personal care, No aluminum. I brush with a home made concoction or fluoride free paste. I don't use mouth wash I use peroxide. The initial thing I did long before any pill, red or black or white was consumed was I ensured my water was free from fluoride, this happened by accident due to a city water test I was provided that let me to see some scary rare earth metals and other spooky elements in the water supply and it really scared me. Shortly after that around a year later I started to awaken to more than 7/11 was a part time job.
Did the water assist in Astral Projection? Maybe I don't know but this was one of the first things looking back I noticed.
Removing fluoride assists in decalcifying your penial glad. And depending on how far your will to let reality go Im sure this assisted as the same stimulation I referred to earlier while attempting telepath was also felt during sungazing. I read about sungazing. You'll want to read into it a bit so you dont damage your eyesight. But I enjoyed sunsets quite often. Unless they were spraying chemtrails. kek.
When I was successful I was cutting and my consumption of goyslop was 0%. Chicken Greenshit and water. I was not only trying to craft my body, but also my mind.
Enjoy, Not many make it past the lie. I'm glad you are questioning reality. Only because I enjoy sharing my trials and tribulations from time to time.