Videos by Johnny Gat.
No need to watch if you don't have time. Please consider saving these videos if you intend to watch them at some point. They may not be always online.
Also if someone can post them on "The Donald" that would be interesting to watch.
Trump's Pedophiles Part 2 (Epstein connections and his sexual perversions)
Who's financing Donald Trump? (Trump was in massive debt and Jews kept him afloat because he was useful, interesting and OVERWHELMING Jew connections)
Donald Trump 9/11: CASE CLOSED remastered (How Trump covered up for 911 after promising to release info on the real perpetrators)
Donald Trump EXPOSED (Trump sucking up to Jews, covering up for 911 and more Jew connections)
I'm really glad the conspiracies /c/ on this still has really good posts like this ... stuff that's critical of all sides.
I don't really like how insanely polarized things have gotten lately. Between the Elon bros and the obviously staged "assassination," I feel like I'm just watching a WWF match.
I'm still trying to find a video where there's blood all over Trump's hand after he was shot and claimed blood was everywhere. It doesn't exist because it's fake. He even waves and pumps his fist with said "bloody hand". He touches his ear and looks at his "bloody hand" before SS even get to him to wipe anything away. There was more than one shooter too because the angles don't match up. Can use all live footage to prove all this.
Good Youre waking up. Nations are not sovereign. Enemy Nations working together to control the populations, That's all this is. Politics literally is theater. Governments don't run this world, People don't run this world. So who does?
You're Welcome. Johnny Gat's work is remarkable yet not widely known. His 911 Fight Club Predictive Programming video is good:
Also click on the channel I linked and check the vids he has on Putin:
And yes, I am posting this now because of the now popular Zelensky vs Trump show which has taken the conspiracy world by storm and everyone who should know better is cheering on Trump for being the savior!
Both Trump and Zelensky are average actors. Both hired by Jews. Zelensky a declared Jew himself hired by Igor Kolomoisky.
Trump and Putin have very strong connections to the Chabbad Lubavitch.
It has all been rigged. How much individual control these actors have is uncertain. But one thing is for certain: They all have been placed there by their Jewish masters to achieve Jewish goals and plans.
Robert Sepehr - The Trump Bloodline
Thx for sharing. This is the first time I know about Robert Sepehr's channel.
You cannot go to the White House without the connections. The founding fathers want an ancient Greece, but the Jews are turning it into Vatican-ruled Medieval Europe.
Don't post this on TD, you will just get banned. Instead, Make friends with people there and then DM them these links
Good strategy! Makes perfect sense.