It was written by automatic handwriting and compiled and circulated by a group of spiritualists. That is, one of them had a patient who just kept writing and writing without awareness of the content, and they made it into a book. The content basically takes everything in the Bible and reinterprets and inverts it to make it a vast network of secret powerz that control millions of universes. In other words, it was written by spiritual entities unknown for the very purpose of casting doubt upon the classical Christian understanding of the Bible. Its only reason for interest is its audacious narcissism.
I'd rather read Remembrance of Things Past and the Internal Revenue Code. I decided that after the ToC and about four pages of worse sci-fi than the Moronic book.
I did it from memory. Here's the WP version. If you have no standards for testing claims of superhuman origin, you won't have a defense against either human or superhuman deception:
William S. Sadler and his wife Lena Sadler, physicians in Chicago and well known in the community, are said to have been approached as early as 1911 by a neighbor who was concerned because she would occasionally find her husband in a deep sleep and breathing abnormally.[11][12] She reported that she was unable to wake him at these times. The Sadlers came to observe the episodes, and over time, the individual produced verbal communications that claimed to be from "student visitor" spiritual beings.[13][12] This changed sometime in early 1925[13] with a "voluminous handwritten document," which from then on became the regular method of purported communication.[13][14] The individual was never identified publicly but has been described as "a hard-boiled business man, member of the board of trade and stock exchange."[12]
The Urantia Book was the first place I read why I, we, matter to The Creator.
I don't fall on my face worshipping anything compiled by humans but parts of TUB are quite nice such as that about Jesus' life between the age of 12 and his crucifiction.
TUB was the first mention I saw of The Thought Adjuster, an interesting concept.
Ironically, the Mormon Church leaders are so threatened by TUB they tell the occasional rogue member with a copy, to burn it.
If the masses knew what Scientology actually believes, they see that it should not have religious tax exemption, believes in the intergalactic hierarchy and participates in some things that are very dark indeed
As with most channeled writings, with TUB you can be informed, inspired or deceived. I do not believe all entities are either good or evil.
The Bible has passages and insight of great solace and beauty. But much truth unacceptable to a lot of people. The Old Testament believing Legal Christians are terrifying to me. I know why Jesus and I have a relationship. Separate from things biblical. The Bible is missing many books and worshipping it seems reckless. In the end, the intentions of a person's heart are what matters because it is not a secret to God.
I am glad to be here at this forum after finally, this morning having had enough of the bullshit censoring at GAW.
It was written by automatic handwriting and compiled and circulated by a group of spiritualists. That is, one of them had a patient who just kept writing and writing without awareness of the content, and they made it into a book. The content basically takes everything in the Bible and reinterprets and inverts it to make it a vast network of secret powerz that control millions of universes. In other words, it was written by spiritual entities unknown for the very purpose of casting doubt upon the classical Christian understanding of the Bible. Its only reason for interest is its audacious narcissism.
u/BlueDrache u/TrinityEmbrace
Thanks for the insight. Most if the research I've seen is fart-huffing.
I plan on approaching it as research. We'll see. The Book of Mormon was a slog of retardation ... hopefully this will have a modicum of entertainment.
I'd rather read Remembrance of Things Past and the Internal Revenue Code. I decided that after the ToC and about four pages of worse sci-fi than the Moronic book.
You're preaching to the chior, Father.
I got about halfway through the foreword. It's junk on the scale of Hubbard's book of drivel.
Nothing of what you’ve written is true about the book. But thank you for the good laugh lol
I did it from memory. Here's the WP version. If you have no standards for testing claims of superhuman origin, you won't have a defense against either human or superhuman deception:
It looks almost like the CCC.
I'll have to dig into it later. FYI, they have an audiopodcast where they read the book.
Absolute balderdash.
ChatGPT is trained on it. You can ask spiritual questions with “According to the Urantia book…
…what does it say about Adam and Eve? … what does it say about the Lucifer rebellion? .. what does it say happens to us after we die?
Even ask it for spiritual advice and practices “according to the Urantia book.”
Give it a try. Especially those first 3 questions.
The KELLOGGS family were the ones who put it in print. No thanks.
The Urantia Book was the first place I read why I, we, matter to The Creator. I don't fall on my face worshipping anything compiled by humans but parts of TUB are quite nice such as that about Jesus' life between the age of 12 and his crucifiction. TUB was the first mention I saw of The Thought Adjuster, an interesting concept. Ironically, the Mormon Church leaders are so threatened by TUB they tell the occasional rogue member with a copy, to burn it.
If the masses knew what Scientology actually believes, they see that it should not have religious tax exemption, believes in the intergalactic hierarchy and participates in some things that are very dark indeed
As with most channeled writings, with TUB you can be informed, inspired or deceived. I do not believe all entities are either good or evil. The Bible has passages and insight of great solace and beauty. But much truth unacceptable to a lot of people. The Old Testament believing Legal Christians are terrifying to me. I know why Jesus and I have a relationship. Separate from things biblical. The Bible is missing many books and worshipping it seems reckless. In the end, the intentions of a person's heart are what matters because it is not a secret to God. I am glad to be here at this forum after finally, this morning having had enough of the bullshit censoring at GAW.