Say what you will about Trump, he is proud, boastful, and has a haughty spirit (
And when the bible talks about the sin of pride, it's not the good feeling you have when your son does well in school. It's puffing yourself up and magnifying yourself above others and/or even above God.
Sure, Donald Trump "owning the libs" and disrespecting the Republican establishment was at first refreshing. But how else would an anti-Christ figure come to power except through flattery and doing things which makes us feel good. It makes us feel like we are winning and let's us ignore the clear signs that more trouble is to come in the near future.
Like it or not, this is a clear judgement against America. In the Bible God uses wicked rulers as a judgement against the people at times (Daniel 4:17, Isaiah 3:4, Proverbs 28:2). America is a haughty nation, that in many ways embodies the harlot of revelation. "I sit a queen and shall see no sorrow", she said. "Who can defeat us and our mighty army?", most Americans think in their hearts.
America's media and culture sings the praises of the harlot / Jezebel spirit. All over the media look at the role models (Britney Spears, Madonna, Miley Cirus, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj). If those don't embody the harlot, nobody does. And Lord knows many young women are influenced by them.
A faithful submissive wife is considered a bad word in modern secular America. Cooking for your husband is considered a slur and beneath a woman's dignity. And on and on it goes.
So yes things will get worse, and be prepared for that by getting right with God. Come to him in humility and in all sincerity while you still can.
Did you just now notice? American leaders have been hosting literal parades celebrating pride and sodomy for decades.
But I would say, regarding Trump, "Nobody brags better than he does, nobody. Nobody talks about themself like he does, and there have been a LOT of presidents who were covert narcissists, let me tell you. Nobody has lived such an openly lascivious and lavish lifestyle like him. Nobody has been more brash and nakedly imperialistic in public in recent memory. My daughter Ivanka and Jared agree, it's incredible."
Everyone 18 years old or older has sinned at least once at some point . Some would say people do it at 8, 10, or 12.
And? Even if he is somehow sinning, those are such minor sins compared to what people in DC do.
Trump is not physically attractive, plus he is VERY controversial. Trump is not a globalist
The anti Christ will be very NON controversial, generally. And he will be very "good" looking. And the anti Christ will be a gloablist of some type.
This idea that the AC is very good looking seems to have come from pop culture and not the Bible. I am yet to find someone who can produce the Bible verse. There is talk of a king of "fierce countenance" but that certainly describes Trump's mug shot photo.
I also recently heard an argument that people don't only worship out of love, but out of fear. So what happens when/if there is wonder and amazement from false miracles. We'll see, I'm not saying it has to be him. He could be just another "bad guy" character and the AC will play the "good guy" afterwards.
Politics are just a diversion to keep you and seeing what you could really do
To say implies shaping artificial words within natural sound to tempt the will of others to submit to yours.
When was the last time you willed a saying into existence without using the languages others willed you to use?
Are you sure that what you say originates from your will?
Each ones (things) will already got all (everything) before free will of choice can be used.
Will cannot get more than everything offers each thing to choose from.
...whatever others suggest him to be, yet what was he before that?
Trump; verb - "fabricate, devise; deceive, cheat, impose upon"...