I can't locate several info on the internet anymore. Coulda swear i saw these things but internet is deleting itself.
1 Ben Shapiro was laughing and holding a doll that looked like Elon Musk. date: around January 2024. I saw it in this forum but couldnt find it later. not sure if it was made by AI
I cant find many things that would expose pro-israel conservatives. Seems like google or even yandex is deleting everything. maybe there are stuffin in rumble but rumble is hard to search
so basically, who is tracking zionists? corbettreport is a busy guy, i need more data. point me to rumble channel or something
also, where is the bush dick logs? npr or some liberals had a website for listing everytime bush and cheney lied about iraq and afghanistan, but did they delete it recently? any mirror?
2 Israel lynching men on the streets in december 23 january 24. i am not talking about the lynching of palestinians in late may early june in a beach, al jazeera channel has those. i can only find israel making palestinians naked in january. maybe israel lynching videos were AI? or maybe I need to search palestinian telegram signal or something to find those.
basically my question is- is there a website for vidoes/info of all the lynching massacre?
3 there was a german documentary channel. well produced, had like hundred thousand followers. i think they got deleted from youtube in 2021 when they made a video about 9/11 evidence of energy weapon. i can't remember the channel name. what was the name and are the videos out there somewhere?
on a tangent-can you guys make torrents of important videos from jack kruse, corbettreport, joe rogan, randall carlson or alex jones? in case they get killed/blackmailed by CIA and videos get taken down.
also, i found links of many google drive folders with lots of info about rodin coil and schauberger ledskalknin etc. but i can't find those files. can somebody upload fringe science stuff to rumble or even youtube?
4 what the fuck happened to mouthy budda? is there any other channel;? i think he deleted stuff from his rumble right? is he being blackmailed?
are there people talking about mouthy buddha and factchecking? basically point me to a mouthy buddha fanbase.
5 nineapple pineapple community- point me to pedo catcher community. youtube deleted those groups in 2015. they were in other website until IRS went after them. so where are those pedo catchers now? cant find them in rumble. point me to a chris hansen fanbase.
6 i think reddit owner christine maxwellhill deletes posts if you talk about duport, payseur, or talk about israeli tourists bringing bioweapon from israel to columbia university. so where are the conspiracy analysts for those stuff? i know about whitney webb and corbett, are there others?
I've noticed a lot of information has been deleted. In the early days I downloaded numerous files of studies and white papers and placed them on CDs and later thumb drives. I uploaded them to a hard drive that's never been connected to the Internet and they're still there and on larger thumb drives. I've looked for these same studies in the past few years to share and haven't been able to find them. I've even reviewed them from my computer to verify I was searching for the correct words without any luck. It's amazing how much has disappeared
Hold onto that information with your life, king. I make a point to buy physical books on topics that are censored so my kids will have tangible proof of things that will be unaccessible when they're adults.
I even have an old printer so I don't need to change the driver. Sometimes I place the file on a thumb drive and transfer to my online computer, email the file to Kinkos print and go and go get it printed. I think something is up because I lost access to my Gmail account and other things. I think it's because I sent a magazine file and printed it. Freedom of speech my ass
I have an old book on genetics that talks about mRNA being a feedback mechanism to alter DNA. It's how we build resistance to otherwise deadly disease