We have false prophets among us folks. They say lots of Spiritual truth and then add 5% bs like: suggesting to do rituals, to worship alien ETI, that evil is a mandatory part of life, pure self love without otherly love, tarot cards, astrology, witch talk, promoting politicians..
I noticed almost all of them are aligned with an Annunaki Royal ETI named Ra who once tricked Humanity to worship him and the sun during the age of Egypt. He is also a follower of Lucifer and practices Satanism. All the feathers (like Roman Empire feathers) and Wings (like in logos), ect.. are a reference to them because they own a lot of the deep state.
They are mainly using false prophets to lure people in with wonderful words and then tell them that a certain politician or a certain satanic practice (like tarot cards) is good.
They often look like beautiful women or honest looking men in the profile pictures. You can easily spot them when they claim politicians are saving us or even some ETI are saving us. They talk about astrology, tarot cards, rituals, Ra, Egypt, ect..
The other 90% of what they say is actually most true but they lure people in with truth just like all controlled opposition do.
Some of them are full blown Gnostics. Gnostics are infiltrators of Christianity. They take Christianity and twist it all up to sound occultish. They even claim Jesus had kids and that they are the decendents of his kids and deserve the Right to rule because of it. They used this psyop during the Dark Ages when people questioned why Kings should rule over them. They called themselves the Merovingian family. Jesus never had kids. They even twisted up the Bible story to claim Mary was a virgin which was also not true. King James was one of them (a Freemason) and was one of the people who twisted up the Bible.
Just learn how to spot them so they can't fool you. Look for the occasional red flag.
The top 2 false prophets right now are Kabamur of Twitter and Bashar on Youtube. .They say 90% truth and 10% lies.
Prophet aka per (forwards) bha (to speak)...only sound forwards; speech implies a return, and what prophets are sooth-saying tempts ones consent to follow along sound, while turning against each other, hence true vs false reasoning.
US aka united states implies prophet aka the forward spoken suggestion tempting each ONEs consent to join with one another.
Among implies amidst aka one within the middle of all, hence a separation apart; not a unification together.
Rite of passage (inception towards death) establishes differences (life), hence... https://www.wordhippo.com/what-is/the-opposite-of/ritual.html
Rite implies the procession of all perceivable through each ones perception, while any suggestion is tempting ones consent to hold onto it...stagnation (suggested) during procession (perceivable).
Mandatory implies manus (hand) dare (to give), hence all giving each one a hand aka auto (inception towards death) generating manual (life).
Manus implies partial; dare implies whole...only within given, can there be a hand to take.
Good vs evil implies ones manual free will of choice...binding itself to a suggested side by another.
Love vs hate implies a conflict among impurities. Only within pure natural order, can impure chaos be shaped. Self implies the perpetuation of impurities through one another by sexual inter-course for off-spring...a seedy; oily and bloody separation of impurities from one another.
Logy/logic (circular logic within self turning into conflicts of reason against another) binds luminous points (stars) together.
Witch/wicce/wicca - "soothsayer" implies talking aka shaping suggested words within perceivable sound aka spell-craft.
Nature moves all sound apart into each one instrumental being.
Super easy, no worries