Kids are getting 50 of them nowadays.
The metal in the vaccine separates the hemispheres makign it harder to think. If too much metal packs in, they become autistic.
Parasites are injected into the body. Parasites can influence a person's mind in a negative way and the parasites can spread into other bodies through anal sex so one thing the parasites do is influence the mind to be gay but many of those gay people who took invermectin or other parasite killers stopped being gay. Some people are genuinely born gay too but some are just from the parasites mixed with the poison in the foods that raises estrogen. On the Spiritual side, those parasites are actually influenced directly by the Archons who themselves are also parasites so their vibe match up and then they influence the human mind directly.
Vaccines are deadly for the mind, body and spirit. Everyone should give birth outside of hospitals to avoid these injections.
I know a person who never got 1 vaccine and he's mentally/physically healthy as a horse. It's honestly impressive and he's old too. His health is better than most 18 year olds out there. Mentally sharp too.
I see your point now. Likely drawn from paranoia with recent tyrannical medical events.
No dawg. Up to this point you had not put forth "your understanding" for me to even understand your premise.
Good luck fellow human.
Dude, all I'm saying here is based on facts. You can't pretend that what happened during the coof is totally unrelated to the system overall and is some weird one-time fluke. This is how they proceed with everything, not just covid. Why would you trust FDA "testing" any other vaccine if you know anything about how FDA came about, its ties with big pharma and the military industrial complex?
You don't get that the problem with vaccines like polio and covid is not that they "have not been tested enough". This assumes that the adverse reactions are accidental flaws and not part of the design of the vaccines. Look up "SV40 in polio" and then the same for covid and the cancer epidemics that followed and tell me this is all by mistake. They knew exactly what they will cause.
Call that paranoia all you want but at this point you're either naive, dumb or ignorant if you think those at the top pushing vaccines don't want to kill you and enslave your children (provided people still can have any). It's an eugenicist program and Royal Society and Tavistock insiders like B. Russell and J. Salk have written openly about it (there's the infamous "through diet, injections and injunctions" quote by Russell).
I like how you assume my position. Keep up the good detective work little kid!
Maybe you could have answered the clarifying questions instead of running and pearl clutching. The first questions he asked were clarifying your initial statements and logic.
He won't. He's bad faith.
You assumed my position, I called out your making of assumption. Calling you out, you tried to call it "pearl clutching".
You are an insane person.