I don't think it did. I think his dad did something that they wanted to hide. I think Saddam Hussein really thought he was in tight with Daddy Bush and got a lesson in betrayal
Are you seriously claiming that Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are crypto-Jews secretly waging an ancient war of revenge on behalf of their people over Babylonian exile? Does anyone in your life take you seriously?
Look at the other names on the PNAC list: Feith, Wolfowitz, Kagan, etc. Just because Cheney wanted the oil and the service contracts doesn’t mean there wasn’t a religious or ideological motive.
I think Cheney and rumsfeld are likely neo-cons, Zionist, and wannabe jews. They probably lack a jew parent and probably don't even have a jew grandparent. However this Iraqi scholar claims they are jewish and they certainly exhibit some of the traits.
Do you realize how retarded you sound? Cheney and Rumsfeld are not "likely" Zionist neocons, they are the epitome of Zionist neocons. But they aren't Jewish, they are WASPs. You really never have any idea what you're talking about. "Iraqi scholar" -- lol.
This is so stupid, it's not surprising that you find it interesting and/or credible. Have you ever met a Jew?
Are you claiming that the Iraqi war had nothing to do with jews?
I don't think it did. I think his dad did something that they wanted to hide. I think Saddam Hussein really thought he was in tight with Daddy Bush and got a lesson in betrayal
Are you seriously claiming that Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are crypto-Jews secretly waging an ancient war of revenge on behalf of their people over Babylonian exile? Does anyone in your life take you seriously?
Look at the other names on the PNAC list: Feith, Wolfowitz, Kagan, etc. Just because Cheney wanted the oil and the service contracts doesn’t mean there wasn’t a religious or ideological motive.
Life is not the comic book that you think it is.
I think Cheney and rumsfeld are likely neo-cons, Zionist, and wannabe jews. They probably lack a jew parent and probably don't even have a jew grandparent. However this Iraqi scholar claims they are jewish and they certainly exhibit some of the traits.
Do you realize how retarded you sound? Cheney and Rumsfeld are not "likely" Zionist neocons, they are the epitome of Zionist neocons. But they aren't Jewish, they are WASPs. You really never have any idea what you're talking about. "Iraqi scholar" -- lol.
Cheney and Rumsfeld were both freemasons which are the shabbos goy footsoldiers of kikes at higher degrees.
Go see a doctor, dude.