Your whole existence is a waste of time and you're mad at me. Nice.
I guess you dont have very good reading comprehension because I told you I only have one (that's 1,
easy for even slow jizz-breathed dog fuckers like you to keep up with) alt and it's inaccessible.
But sure. Every account is me. It's like "The Egg" for slow Jew cocksucking trolls.
If you say anything else about my "alts" then I'll know you truly are a retard
The wrong alt?
THAT'S what they teach you to retort? That I'm using an alt?
Tell me you're a cock sucking crackhead without telling me, bud.
I do have an alt from around when this site started, RentFreeCrisisAct, but I can't remember the password so I had to make a new account.
So "the wrong alt" would be an impossibility since I don't know the fucking password, shitfreak fuckstain.
Have you read your comment history? the only crackhead here is you.
Sure thing.
Wanna put that up for a vote, stankpussy?
EDIT : I didn't fucking think so, bitch!
a vote? you just gonna vote with all your alts won't ya?
Stankpussy? what are you 5? stop wasting my time.
Your whole existence is a waste of time and you're mad at me. Nice.
I guess you dont have very good reading comprehension because I told you I only have one (that's 1, easy for even slow jizz-breathed dog fuckers like you to keep up with) alt and it's inaccessible.
But sure. Every account is me. It's like "The Egg" for slow Jew cocksucking trolls.
If you say anything else about my "alts" then I'll know you truly are a retard