The pareidolia of looking for symbols where they don’t exist or don’t matter detracts from the actual things actually being done by actual people and groups actually committing genocide on the white race worldwide. That’s what doesn’t exist.
I agree. They are deriving a subset of "power" though.
How do you get a person to swear to serve a group, adopt the value system of the group, and simultaneously not allow them into The Group? Create a false system based on The Group where most members are ignorant of the true motives of the group (masonry). The symbology and mysticism of masonry is derivative. They are asked to believe and have Faith in, but not asked to be be sure of the identity of the higher power they serve.
So Masons "know" more than the average man, but they are basically a slave class to those who serve Lucifer directly, i.e., Them. So basically, that power is not theirs (Masons), it is Theirs.
That group could even be extended to the general public, who have been conditioned and programmed by government schools. Aka, federally mandated circiculum....schools.
Still a big club, and we ain't in it. Different faction of the same coin.
Oh, but it's the reverse triangle which means he is working for us. Deeerrrrrr
Imagine thinking any of this freemason shit is real.
Humor me. Freemasons don’t exit? They’re fake? Like Santa Clause?
The pareidolia of looking for symbols where they don’t exist or don’t matter detracts from the actual things actually being done by actual people and groups actually committing genocide on the white race worldwide. That’s what doesn’t exist.
Masons are just the same as the Jews you blame. It's all of these esoteric fucks.
It is the "secular" form of the same system.
How so? It's them knowing more than we do, that's where they derive power
I agree. They are deriving a subset of "power" though.
How do you get a person to swear to serve a group, adopt the value system of the group, and simultaneously not allow them into The Group? Create a false system based on The Group where most members are ignorant of the true motives of the group (masonry). The symbology and mysticism of masonry is derivative. They are asked to believe and have Faith in, but not asked to be be sure of the identity of the higher power they serve.
So Masons "know" more than the average man, but they are basically a slave class to those who serve Lucifer directly, i.e., Them. So basically, that power is not theirs (Masons), it is Theirs.
That group could even be extended to the general public, who have been conditioned and programmed by government schools. Aka, federally mandated circiculum....schools.
But only one doesn’t exist without the other.
Man's moved the goal post in a single reply. Hilarious.
Congrats on being unable to read the replies.
"Symbolism will be their downfall!!!!"
No, symbolism will be your downfall. Delusional boomers see this shit everywhere they look, it's so embarrassing.