Maybe they did, I honestly don't know enough of the history.
But some Christians are claiming Jesuits were behind the French Revolution. Looking into it.
I do know that commies today love the Jacobins. "Jacobin" is a communist magazine. Same spirit.
Look at Marat's death mask and you'll see the answer.
He was an ugly degenerate like all revolutionaries.
Let us study history with the Bible as the first and last filter, and in doing so, uncover not only the physical MYSTERY religions of the world, but the mindset of the mysteries written on the forehead.
Let us begin with freemasonry, see their connection with the woman, find which other groups are connected in their web, discover what the ideological thread binding them together is, and see who the spider, which slowly but surely ensnares the world in this very same web, is.
Albert Pike, former elder and leader of freemasonry, says the following in the guidebook to freemasonry, his book, "Morals and Dogma":
The MYSTERY religions, branded under different signs, symbols, and colours, are delivering a mindset, which they call truth and light, to the world. As we just read, this mindset is one ensconced in deceit. Pike admits, in his own words, what the higher degrees of freemasonry jealously guard as their light:
Having an idea of the contents within their package, let us first discover the outward adornments, the branding and advertisements, which may change as the colours of a chameleon, but beneath this variable appearance lies the invariable venom of the serpent.
Richard Levy in "Antisemitism: A historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution says":
Jacobinism, under its founder Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit doctor of papal canon laws at Ingolstadt University in Bavaria, adopted the Phrygian cap (!! read about the black obelisk of Jehu and Shalmaneser III, about Mithraism, about roman liberti) and became the driving force of the French Revolution. The Illuminati Order was preceded in the 1500’s in Spain by the Alumbrados, started by a group called the Marranos.
The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a Marrano. Freemasonry, who Pike traces to the Knights Templars, are associated not only with royalty, but with the founding of the Illuminati, Jacobinism, and Jesuitism. What do the Jesuits represent? Will we discover that they, too, "jealously conceals [their] secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray"?
The jesuits are not only the heart of roman catholicism, and the school masters of the world, but along with all other secret societies, are the veins through which the blood of Satanic doctrine flows. After WWII, when studying the formation and documents of the UN, their doctrine is completely Satanic in origin. Blavatsky and theosophy, with Alice A. Bailey as her protege, in an open alliance with jesuitism, masonry, rome, and the ilk, are the under writers of the united nations doctrines, and therefore are the under writers of the world's curriculum.
With the jesuits, freemasons, knights templars, knights of malta, druidic orders, theosophists, new agers, spiritualists, charismatic movement, eastern mysticism, etc. all as the harlot daughters dispensing the wine, the doctrine, of the woman riding the beast, let us have Albert Pike tell us about the purpose and formation of communism through three supposed letters written to Italian politician Giuseppe Mazzini, 1871:
The political alliances of England on one side, and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War. This conspiracy reaches the highest levels of governments around the world.
Nazism and Zionism were not publicly known terms in 1871, but both movements were created by the Weishaupt Illuminati, co-conspirators of Masonry who first coined the word communism, and its ideology, four years prior to its teaching. After WWII, at the Potsdam Conference with Truman, Churchill, and Stalin, a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Communist Russia, while the aftermath of the war with Japan swept the tide of Communism into China.
Communism is a tool used in Hegelianism in order to control the mind. But what is Hegelianism, or the Hegelian Dialectic? Let us have a Hegelian publisher in the modern education system, John Dewey, reveal the function of the dialectic in his book “German philosophy and politics”, saying:
In other words, the Hegelian Dialectic leads to war, which produces enough pain and hardship to create the ultimate synthesis of ideas, a wanting of peace and “normalcy” no matter the personal cost. The hegelian dialectic is used to put an end to all individuality, to destroy freedom of conscious, by creating the conditions to establish a world under the roman catholic “common good”.
When we take a look at the history of Marxism in Russia, and Nazism in Germany, we find that the two ideologies, the two players in this Hegelian agenda, were funded by the same people from the west. Every single political or administrative decision around the world is controlled in order to maintain the hegelian dialectic. Once the proper circumstances for synthesis are in place, the dialectic between political “right” and political “left” ceases, and a synthesis of the two takes its place.
This is a battle for the minds. Each of these groups pushes mindset to the world. Whether Jew or Greek, Roman Catholic or American, Hindu or Buddhist, Atheist or New-Ager, the three lies of the serpent are the uniting banner for each and every group of the world. Read the beliefs of any system of the world and we will find that in any of these groups, and yes this includes the Christianity of the world and the Judaism of the world, that the teachings of Satan are the uniting banner, the hegelian synthesis.
But there is another rallying call being made: while the world unites in battle against the risen Word, God Himself, there is a call to come out and be separate:
Two wonderful series to go through this history under the lens which only the Bible provides, are as follows:
The Great Controversy is also a must-read to better understand this conflict in its entirety.