Consenting to an artificial suggestion rolls-together (con-trol) many under few, hence intelligence/intelligo - "to under-stand".
isolating knowledge to filtered knowledge
Consenting to artificial suggestion (information) isolates ones thoughts from real perceivable knowledge (inspiration). To defend oneself from the resulting conflicts of reason against others, one uses circular logic to isolate ones thoughts.
Inspiration moves through one; information is shared among ones, and held within one.
not freedom to explore
Dominance (all perceivable) sets free (ones perception) explore implies "search out". Few suggest exploration to tempt many outwards, hence from center towards circumference.
Some user named pkvi who back in 2022(g) pointed out the timing of the $, the sudden chatbot surge despite its fake utility and 10 year old documents, all aligning to a sequence of events to isolate information after information was vilified during cohoax.
Search is better, thousands of results.
Now, the plebs get a single provided answer.
Consenting to an artificial suggestion rolls-together (con-trol) many under few, hence intelligence/intelligo - "to under-stand".
Consenting to artificial suggestion (information) isolates ones thoughts from real perceivable knowledge (inspiration). To defend oneself from the resulting conflicts of reason against others, one uses circular logic to isolate ones thoughts.
Inspiration moves through one; information is shared among ones, and held within one.
Dominance (all perceivable) sets free (ones perception) explore implies "search out". Few suggest exploration to tempt many outwards, hence from center towards circumference.
By 2030? I find that searches are already dead.
predicted by who?
Some user named pkvi who back in 2022(g) pointed out the timing of the $, the sudden chatbot surge despite its fake utility and 10 year old documents, all aligning to a sequence of events to isolate information after information was vilified during cohoax.