It's like I simply do not give a fuck anymore. I know with almost 100% certainty that all major news topics are psyops. It's like an endless repeating nightmare which almost always goes the same way.
Something happens. It's all over the news. Official story does not make sense. Conspiracy people are investigating, reading stuff and searching for inconsistencies, coincidences etc... After a while it simply fades off and then the next shit happens.
That's it. Over and over again. Same shit with very little variation. Except with each consecutive psyop we are being robbed of wealth and freedom a little bit more and with each successful psyop we are a bit closer to total slavery.
What is the point to investigate all this shit if we already know that it is a psyop? We just use up our energy and time instead of actually fighting TPTB and coming total enslavement... I do not care who drove into what, who shot or didn't shoot whom etc, etc...
It is all a lie! All of it!
I guess, the very main thing we need to understand is that The Rulers Do Not Give A Fuck About Us! They do not give a fuck about our welfare, our freedom, our health, our education, our future or anything else. They simply do not give a fuck! There's no need to disect every new psyop like some bone thrown to the dog. From the very get-go it is absolutely clear that (a) it is all deliberate and (b) it is not for our good. That's it! Everything else follows from that very basic understanding.
You are not the only one: (Iyah May Karmageddon Music Video)
This awareness will drive back the Jew. The Jew will have to resort to more and more open tyranny and show more of his hand until his system collapses.
Iyah May reeks of an Op. Not organic, being pushed everywhere, background feel like a PR agency written script for a medical rebel, "accidentally took a ride to Shaggy's house and performed a song" (GTFO!), lyrics are a half-assed limited hangout leaving out everything we truly know (Military Op, incapacitation agent, we are at WW3, etc, but pushes the Man-made-virus narrative), and her video looks like a 50-year old ex-MTV music video producer made trying to emulate something "edgy and kool".
And she can't sing even if her life depended on it.
Highly likely. I am very inclined this is case after looking more into it.