American Pravda: UFOs, Alien Abductions, and Other Strange Things
UFOs and Space Aliens [pdf=][xbook=AmericanPravda]Decades ago I became fully convinced that UFOs were real. I even accepted that past ...
How old is the Grey Alien Conspiracy?
If you still have the attention-span for it, unz review is a fantastic resource for scholarly work on ‘conspiracies.’
I had an alien abduction dream when I was 11.
I also was into weekly world news, unsolved mysteries, and everything ufo or alien. I think x-files and the movie “Fire in the Sky” was out at the time.
I swallowed every theory, savored and believed every encounter story, and more.
I later became addicted to “coast to coast am,” With my small portable radio on my chest, listening to all 3-4 hours of the show every night for months.
I entertained Donald Marshall’s wild tales of cloning centers and the aliens being illuminati-folk in alien costumes, terrifying children for an MK ultra type trauma based mind control program. Maybe some elements of his story are true, or reflect truth on an allegorical level. I dunno.
The more I learned about ufos/aliens, the less I knew. I began to adopt new agey, theosophist, gnostic beliefs…I practiced chaos magic and got some real, tangible, and strange results. I was a damned witch/warlock and although I was gaining social status and money, I was needing more and more physical pleasures to ease my mind… you know the drill: sex, drugs, rock n roll.
And slowly over time, I began to doubt everything and wrestle with God.
I prayed and prayed, and read, and read. For years… I eventually was baptised into the Orthodox church…
And the more I look into it, The more I feel I was had.
I don't have a desire to practice black magic but what kind of stuff were you doing? And what what of ways were you generating income and status?
Chaos Magick. There’s wikis on it. DO NOT DO IT.
Dugin, William Burroughs, and all the famous Comicbook writers from England used it.
Results: job opportunities, meeting people that i “visualized” or “wished” popping out of nowhere… basically causing synchronicities on purpose… hot rich women (some married), business contacts with beady black eyes, succubus-level sex dreams equally pleasurable as terrifying… Because you use your subconscious mind the goal is to forget your intentional wish. So you obfuscate it by making a sigil, then charging the sigil, then burning the sigil to ash and using the ash as ink to create more sigils. It works a lot like icons or meme magic in that the image is more powerful than the word. Andy Warhol postmodern shit where you repeat images until they mean “nothing.”
It gets really really fucked up. I lost everything important. Was an absolute degenerate.
Imagine that “power of intention” or that Oprah’s “the secret shit.” But you’re using your subconscious mind instead of your conscious mind, so it’s exponentially more powerful.
This all may sound enticing. Not worth it.
It all leads back to the enemy of humanity— again, don’t do this shit.
Thanks for the reply.
I hear what you're saying. I'm aware of the concepts and also its risks. I'm not interested in it but I am interested in developing psy abilities.
Increased intuition, energy work, these kinds of things.
I know reiki to be bad. I'm thinking more chi gong, breath work, meditation, etc.
I have a lot of sleep paralysis, way too many weird synchronities and life events that have occurred that I know there is more going on and want to be able to protect myself.
There must be some practice that is the opposite of black magic where your 'power' is given by God rather than satan.
Also, being diagnosed with different things I believe are spiritual in nature rather than a 'chemical imbalance' I'm wanting to defeat whatever it is that is causing it.
The parasite cleanse looks to be very helpful, I'm going to be starting that soon.
I know it’s cliche and all now, but I started attending and researching the Oriental Orthodox Church and after a couple of years, I was baptised into the faith.
There was/is enough mysticism and asceticism there for me. These people are absolutely nuts and I love them.
One of the Saints plucked his eye out and he and a group moved a mountain to save a Caliph from beheading a village… lots of insane stories like that. You either believe them or you don’t. I happen to.
Hmm. They circumsize in that religion. Weird.
Some do, some dont. Its really more of an “alliance” of a few different churches, like Eastern Orthodox has Greek, Russian, etc.
The Ethiopians do clip the tip, I think, because of their history with King Solomon.
They also have the Book of Enoch in their Bible and claim to have the ark of the covenant. 🤷🏿♂️
Besides the Council of Jerusalem, Pope Cyril the Great (412-444) and Pope Cyril the Third (1235 - 1243) had sermons discussing the matter and confirming that it’s not required for religious reasons. That said it’s very rare to find a Coptic Christian male in Egypt that is not circumcised, almost all Copts practice male circumcision for cultural and health reasons and as far as I know, this tradition dates back to Ancient Egyptians.