Quiet Part Out Loud: H1B Scam EXPLAINED
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Start saying L1, not just H1B. It's a much larger program.
But yes, I've been in rooms where job postings were created to disqualify local candidates so they could bring in L1s... For technical positions, they would fill the ad with technical jargon, or something impossible to achieve outside the company.
I used to notice our company would require 5 years of experience on internal systems, that had only been out for a couple years = no qualified candidates.
I've seen the same types of things. Revising the immigration process is the solution. Why do we have to prove no one can do the job? That's just silly. Companies can also simply offshore positions so I'm not sure why folks think this offers a form of protectionism. A better protection is advocating for education and training within communities.
Yeah, the explicitly never trained anyone.
I had maybe one job where I was formally trained, and it was a "couldn't be done by foreigner" custome facing role in secure facilities that required background check type stuff.
That was it.
But they always seem to have time / money for HR training bullshit. Riddle me that?!?
I would suggest that rather than thinking of it as a "scam", as in some type of fraud or theft in violation of the law or of regulations, it should rather thought of as a fascist psychological operation.
To break that description down, it should first be recognized that the government and corporations clearly know what each other is doing. Here's a guy saying it out loud. Think the DOJ couldn't figure that out themselves? Think corporations know that it isn't secret? Of course not. They're in it together, which is the definition of fascism.
The psyop is that everybody else who has some sort of objection to the situation can just go on with their lives believing that "something is being done". As a general rule of psychological manipulation, They can persist in any activity as long as everyone thinks "something is being done".