Honestly, I am not sure what you are trying to ask here, but...
Regarding the 'magi' (whose singular form is 'magus') they are included in the Bible to show that even the Zoroastrians, who were notorious astrologers, were able to see the signs in the sky that the Messias was born, and accepted Him as the awaited Savior (perhaps also to give a bigger slap in the face of the perfidious Jews who refused to see it, even though it was obvious to those of other religions).
The Magisterium of the Church actually has nothing to do with the Persian Zoroastrian magi though... (they are just near-homographs from 2 different languages). Magisterium is Latin for "teaching body", which means the Pope and the Bishops (who were given apostolic succession by the apostles who were given express authority by Christ Himself to "bind and loose" regarding the Faith).
Honestly, I am not sure what you are trying to ask here, but...
Regarding the 'magi' (whose singular form is 'magus') they are included in the Bible to show that even the Zoroastrians, who were notorious astrologers, were able to see the signs in the sky that the Messias was born, and accepted Him as the awaited Savior (perhaps also to give a bigger slap in the face of the perfidious Jews who refused to see it, even though it was obvious to those of other religions).
The Magisterium of the Church actually has nothing to do with the Persian Zoroastrian magi though... (they are just near-homographs from 2 different languages). Magisterium is Latin for "teaching body", which means the Pope and the Bishops (who were given apostolic succession by the apostles who were given express authority by Christ Himself to "bind and loose" regarding the Faith).
"...even the Zoroastrians...."
ONLY the magi because they kept the records.
Magi is old school magick.
What you call 'homographs' are connections in language due to a root mother tongue. Learn to spell
Misguided Crusades through misunderstandings are what caused all this.
What are you implying by your comments?
What do the facts stated imply?