a) One implies "free" from one another, we implies "joined" together aka open to choose freely or enclosed within a controlled environment.
b) BE implies "being" alive; TO implies being moved from inception "towards" death.
I think we
Aka singular (I) thinking plural (we)...that's an issue aka an artificial common way of thinking aka a so called "hivemind".
I know a word like passed/crossed over
Nature moves sound, which crosses thorough/passes over each one within. Words are passed across one another in exchange for holding onto them aka to affix them mentally as a "definition; meaning; imported significance".
Reality (perceivable sound) moves across; fiction (suggested words) nails one to the cross.
one who has crossed over to the Christ
a) Each anointed one implies Christ (life) crossing over (inception towards death). Coming through the birth channel implies ones anointment and the wicker/wican - "to give way" (inception towards death) of Christ (life).
b) If EACH one implies Christ, then wouldn't that explain why a jew is seen as both being against all non jews, and simultaneously self hating?
If one positions Christ and anti-Christ within self, then sustaining self by resisting outside temptations, implies a struggle within each one being (life) passed over/moved across (inception towards death).
c) Which part of the story of Christ doesn't describe each living being? What is the difference between Christ and each life coming into being? Isn't speaking in the name of Christ tempting one to ignore ones own voice?
I say we because I do think I stand together with a multitude I don't 'know' and I try to speak carefully when I speak that way. Hivemind brings a negative connotation to my mind with reference to the common era.
Though again, I do think I share a mind to a point.
The use of crossed over I mention is like crossing from death to life, something like passing from a state of not knowing God to then knowing Him.
My savior 'nailed Himself to the cross' before anything pierced His skin. Thank you Jesus!!!
Each one is made in the image of God in what specifications I haven't figured out completely yet, fun to try though. The difference between each one and the one Christ is that He is sinless and we are not but by His blood(sacrifice) we can be freed from the grip of death.
a) Thinking implies in response to origin, hence to all perceivable ones perception already GOT access to. Others suggest one to think about outcome, hence tempting one to GET.
b) Together implies "towards getting"...being alive implies, while being moved from inception TOWARDS death. That's what one gets, when ignoring to sustain what one got.
c) Coming through the birth channel implies as off-spring aka as each separated one. Few suggest pluralism; multiculturalism; collectivism; abrahamism (father of multitude) etc. to tempt many to join each other, which in return permits few to remain apart... https://www.amazon.com/People-Apart-Europe-1789-1939-History/dp/0198219806
d) Standing implies balancing as matter (life) within momentum (inception towards death) of motion, hence during a process of separation between velocity and resistance, which is why both young and old are struggling to stand and find balance.
I speak that way
Way (inception towards death) separates each I (life) from one another, which only then allows speaking to one another.
Few suggest aboutism to trick many to think together about suggested information, while ignoring that way (all perceivable) set each I (ones perception) apart from one another. It's ones consent to suggested words which tempts one to think its about togetherness.
Hivemind brings a negative connotation to my mind
a) Negative implies vs positive aka a conflict of reason, already within your mind. You are viewing perceivable balance through a lens of suggested imbalance, hence connotate; verb - "to signify secondarily"...and you chose to do that to yourself by consenting to suggestions by another.
b) Circular logic implies ones mind closed to perceivable, while reason implies a conflict against others (within a ring) about suggested, and logic/reason is based on logos aka the suggested word, distracting one from perceivable sound.
c) Positive implies ones POSI-tion aka posited (life) within action (inception towards death), while negative implies ones de-nial (Latin nihilo, nothing) thereof, when consenting to suggestions by another.
There's no conflict between positive vs negative in nature...until one ignores natural (perceivable) for artificial (suggested).
the common era
There's only each ones unique (life) era (inception towards death)...few suggest common-ism to lure unique ones together, and era/epoch aka epi (on) ekhein (to hold) to tempt many to hold onto fictitious eras, while ignoring that real era cannot be held onto, since it moves ones being.
Furthermore...suggested THE-ism tempts ones consent to give another authority over self.
I share a mind to a point
a) Being implies each life sentenced from inception towards point of death.
b) If one takes possession over self as "me; myself or I", then that contradicts sharing with others.
c) Only all (perceivable) shares with each one (perception) through separation...sharing among one another by giving (to sell) and taking (to buy) ignores each ones FREE will of choice.
like crossing from death to life
a) Only during the process of dying (inception towards death) can life grow aka A CROSS each one bears.
b) The ongoing process of dying implies "same"; each life within implies "different"...few distract many from that by suggesting them to respond "alike", hence the hivemind; order following; npc behavior.
c) Form (life) within flow (inception towards death) implies flow to form (inception); form within flow (life); form to flow (death) aka transformation of ingredients out of base alchemy.
d) Crossing simply implies the momentum between motion (dying) and matter (living) simultaneously.
passing from a state of not knowing God to then knowing Him
a) God implies all known (perceivable) passing through each one being (perception)...by internal/inherent separation of all into each one.
b) Motion implies him; momentum implies her; matter implies a trans-form-ation of him through her into each FE (minine) MALE aka WO (mb) MAN aka S(plit) HE.
There can be only one father (motion) and one mother (momentum) for each one off-spring (matter).
nailed Himself to the cross' before anything pierced His skin
Christ (anointed one) implies being (life) moved A CROSS (inception towards death)...wielding the free will of choice to nail self by permitting the suggestions by others to pierce one, hence the nailing happening before the piercing.
What's the nail then? Suggested NIHIL-ism and ones de-NIAL of perceivable for it...nothing/nihil/nial/nail.
Thank you
YOU (phonetic jew)... imagine the chutzpah to trick the entire world to say "thank jew" over and over again.
Each one is made in the image of God
God implies (unmoving) mover aka first cause (action) for each secondary effect (reaction). An image implies "artificial representation; copy"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/image#etymonline_v_1520 hence playing within ones "imagination".
Made/make/mag - "to knead; fashion,fit" is the foundation of MAGIC, hence few utilizing suggestion to shape the imagination of consenting many.
what specifications
Specific implies particular, hence a sePARation of whole (all) into partials (one) aka of God into each Christ.
I haven't figured out completely yet
A figure (partial) can only exist within (whole) and thereby during separation of flow (motion) into form (matter).
Few suggest complete aka com (together) plere (to fill) to fulfill that which many "fail to live up to".
The difference between each one and the one Christ is that He is sinless
Sin implies what one takes on, hence holds onto. Few suggest the sinless Christ as a "self sacrificing" redeemer of the sinning multitude.
How does one (singular) become part of many? Joining aka giving consent to a suggestion sold aka entering a contract aka binding self aka holding onto aka falling for the temptation of sin aka shirking ones response-ability (free will of choice) onto a chosen one, who in return offer redemption (buy back, ransom, recover by purchase) in form of a redeemer outside of self.
If one says "Christ died for our sins"; then OUR (suggested pluralism) implies ONES (consent) sin.
the grip of death...
...implies the living choosing to hold onto anything within the moving process of dying.
I think we should be closed/dead to evil, I know a word like passed/crossed over, hebrew. Christian Hebrew - one who has crossed over to the Christ.
a) One implies "free" from one another, we implies "joined" together aka open to choose freely or enclosed within a controlled environment.
b) BE implies "being" alive; TO implies being moved from inception "towards" death.
Aka singular (I) thinking plural (we)...that's an issue aka an artificial common way of thinking aka a so called "hivemind".
Nature moves sound, which crosses thorough/passes over each one within. Words are passed across one another in exchange for holding onto them aka to affix them mentally as a "definition; meaning; imported significance".
Reality (perceivable sound) moves across; fiction (suggested words) nails one to the cross.
a) Each anointed one implies Christ (life) crossing over (inception towards death). Coming through the birth channel implies ones anointment and the wicker/wican - "to give way" (inception towards death) of Christ (life).
b) If EACH one implies Christ, then wouldn't that explain why a jew is seen as both being against all non jews, and simultaneously self hating?
If one positions Christ and anti-Christ within self, then sustaining self by resisting outside temptations, implies a struggle within each one being (life) passed over/moved across (inception towards death).
c) Which part of the story of Christ doesn't describe each living being? What is the difference between Christ and each life coming into being? Isn't speaking in the name of Christ tempting one to ignore ones own voice?
I say we because I do think I stand together with a multitude I don't 'know' and I try to speak carefully when I speak that way. Hivemind brings a negative connotation to my mind with reference to the common era. Though again, I do think I share a mind to a point.
The use of crossed over I mention is like crossing from death to life, something like passing from a state of not knowing God to then knowing Him.
My savior 'nailed Himself to the cross' before anything pierced His skin. Thank you Jesus!!!
Each one is made in the image of God in what specifications I haven't figured out completely yet, fun to try though. The difference between each one and the one Christ is that He is sinless and we are not but by His blood(sacrifice) we can be freed from the grip of death.
a) Thinking implies in response to origin, hence to all perceivable ones perception already GOT access to. Others suggest one to think about outcome, hence tempting one to GET.
b) Together implies "towards getting"...being alive implies, while being moved from inception TOWARDS death. That's what one gets, when ignoring to sustain what one got.
c) Coming through the birth channel implies as off-spring aka as each separated one. Few suggest pluralism; multiculturalism; collectivism; abrahamism (father of multitude) etc. to tempt many to join each other, which in return permits few to remain apart... https://www.amazon.com/People-Apart-Europe-1789-1939-History/dp/0198219806
d) Standing implies balancing as matter (life) within momentum (inception towards death) of motion, hence during a process of separation between velocity and resistance, which is why both young and old are struggling to stand and find balance.
Way (inception towards death) separates each I (life) from one another, which only then allows speaking to one another.
Few suggest aboutism to trick many to think together about suggested information, while ignoring that way (all perceivable) set each I (ones perception) apart from one another. It's ones consent to suggested words which tempts one to think its about togetherness.
a) Negative implies vs positive aka a conflict of reason, already within your mind. You are viewing perceivable balance through a lens of suggested imbalance, hence connotate; verb - "to signify secondarily"...and you chose to do that to yourself by consenting to suggestions by another.
b) Circular logic implies ones mind closed to perceivable, while reason implies a conflict against others (within a ring) about suggested, and logic/reason is based on logos aka the suggested word, distracting one from perceivable sound.
c) Positive implies ones POSI-tion aka posited (life) within action (inception towards death), while negative implies ones de-nial (Latin nihilo, nothing) thereof, when consenting to suggestions by another.
There's no conflict between positive vs negative in nature...until one ignores natural (perceivable) for artificial (suggested).
There's only each ones unique (life) era (inception towards death)...few suggest common-ism to lure unique ones together, and era/epoch aka epi (on) ekhein (to hold) to tempt many to hold onto fictitious eras, while ignoring that real era cannot be held onto, since it moves ones being.
Furthermore...suggested THE-ism tempts ones consent to give another authority over self.
a) Being implies each life sentenced from inception towards point of death.
b) If one takes possession over self as "me; myself or I", then that contradicts sharing with others.
c) Only all (perceivable) shares with each one (perception) through separation...sharing among one another by giving (to sell) and taking (to buy) ignores each ones FREE will of choice.
a) Only during the process of dying (inception towards death) can life grow aka A CROSS each one bears.
b) The ongoing process of dying implies "same"; each life within implies "different"...few distract many from that by suggesting them to respond "alike", hence the hivemind; order following; npc behavior.
c) Form (life) within flow (inception towards death) implies flow to form (inception); form within flow (life); form to flow (death) aka transformation of ingredients out of base alchemy.
d) Crossing simply implies the momentum between motion (dying) and matter (living) simultaneously.
a) God implies all known (perceivable) passing through each one being (perception)...by internal/inherent separation of all into each one.
b) Motion implies him; momentum implies her; matter implies a trans-form-ation of him through her into each FE (minine) MALE aka WO (mb) MAN aka S(plit) HE.
There can be only one father (motion) and one mother (momentum) for each one off-spring (matter).
c) Know-ledge implies a separation, hence "livin on the edge"... https://genius.com/Aerosmith-livin-on-the-edge-lyrics
Christ (anointed one) implies being (life) moved A CROSS (inception towards death)...wielding the free will of choice to nail self by permitting the suggestions by others to pierce one, hence the nailing happening before the piercing.
What's the nail then? Suggested NIHIL-ism and ones de-NIAL of perceivable for it...nothing/nihil/nial/nail.
YOU (phonetic jew)... imagine the chutzpah to trick the entire world to say "thank jew" over and over again.
God implies (unmoving) mover aka first cause (action) for each secondary effect (reaction). An image implies "artificial representation; copy"... https://www.etymonline.com/word/image#etymonline_v_1520 hence playing within ones "imagination".
Made/make/mag - "to knead; fashion,fit" is the foundation of MAGIC, hence few utilizing suggestion to shape the imagination of consenting many.
Specific implies particular, hence a sePARation of whole (all) into partials (one) aka of God into each Christ.
A figure (partial) can only exist within (whole) and thereby during separation of flow (motion) into form (matter).
Few suggest complete aka com (together) plere (to fill) to fulfill that which many "fail to live up to".
Sin implies what one takes on, hence holds onto. Few suggest the sinless Christ as a "self sacrificing" redeemer of the sinning multitude.
How does one (singular) become part of many? Joining aka giving consent to a suggestion sold aka entering a contract aka binding self aka holding onto aka falling for the temptation of sin aka shirking ones response-ability (free will of choice) onto a chosen one, who in return offer redemption (buy back, ransom, recover by purchase) in form of a redeemer outside of self.
If one says "Christ died for our sins"; then OUR (suggested pluralism) implies ONES (consent) sin.
...implies the living choosing to hold onto anything within the moving process of dying.