Very good, and I used to take Hislop for 100%, but nowadays I somewhat adjust his work via later discoveries. I think, for good etymological and historical reasons, that Nimrod was Naram-Sin of Akkad (amazing sculpture), 2275?-2218. His triad with wife and son didn't refer to his real unnamed wife and his heir Shar-Kali-Sharri, but to the extant gods Inanna and Dumuzid (later Tammuz). Nimrod claimed the attributes of the powerful Dumuzid when alive, and Tammuz represented the attributes of the impotent Dumuzid (Orpheus) in the underworld. From the link by Terry M. Smith: "Nimrod would greatly refine the blasphemous hoax of pagan religion and enshrine himself as lead deity and savior in a false trinity. He would attach to it a system of mystery rites and filthy carnal sacraments that would serve as the religious actions and conduct for 'Mystery Babylon'. Like a chameleon this system could be adaptable to the vain imaginings of man and the particulars of any culture so as to suit the customs, climate or agricultural needs of any peoples anywhere."
Gilgamesh traditional builder of Uruk, Sumerian Bilgamesh, was probably a prediluvian who was popularized and deified in 2000s Sumer; since he allegedly fought with the son of Mebarasi of Kish (the oldest ruler verified from the Sumerian King List), he is placed in the 2600s. It would be natural at that time to overlay this Sumerian legend onto the Akkadian Namar-Sin legend.
The historical Shamshi-Adad (called Ninus for subduing Nineveh), 850?-811, and Shammuramat (Semiramis), 850?-798, solidified the extant cult with their young son Adad-Nirari, 811?-783, who Semiramis substituted for Tammuz. Obviously also worshippers of Hadad the storm god. (The 19th-century idea that Semiramis and Nimrod were married is an unnecessary mistake, arising from the similarity between Nimrod and the extant Ninus legend associated with kings like Shamshi-Adad, plus Nimrod's wife being anonymous.) Semiramis's work gets you directly to the ladies-first Isis-Horus-Serapis triad.
That's the human side. On the deified side, Marduk son of Enki was the Old Babylonian Amarutu, 1800s, identified with Hadad, the Eblaite Hadda, 2300s or earlier. Osiris is also dated 2500-2300, of which I favor the last half-century (5th dynasty). Ninurta (agricultural, 2600s, Nippur, temple built by Mebarasi) and Ningursi (military, 2100s, Lagash, temple built by Gudea) were merged together easily as the son of Enlil. Because of the extreme rivalry between Enlil and Enki, I have to separate Ninurta-Ningursi out from the rest of the list Nimrod-Marduk-Gilgamesh, despite the claimed lingual similarity, because Nimrod became Zeus-Jupiter, but Ninurta became Cronus-Saturn. You are right (thanks) that Serapis was the Greco-Egyptian syncretism of Ptolemy Soter c. 300, originally Wsjr-Hp (Osiris-Apis), but I note this also appears calculated to bring in a title of Enki/Ea as well, Sar-Apsi (which we could call "czar Abzu", lord of the abyss), found in the Talmud as Sarapis.
Of all these names, Dumuzid seems the likeliest to go back the farthest, into the fourth millennium BC, given the SKL. See, there are several layers before Nimrod's Babel, even though Babylon is a convenient name for them all. From the link: "False religion, and therefore Mystery Babylon’s foundations, were laid as early as the Garden of Eden and the expulsion that took place there and the subsequent Satanic conspiracy of the fallen angels of the Antediluvian Era which nearly provoked God into destroying the entire human race. From passages in Genesis six we understand that some of the fallen angels had left their first estate in heaven and had taken on the likeness of human flesh so they could cohabit with the daughters of men and create a dominant race of half‑man, half‑god supermen who would rule on earth as 'gods'. As studies in comparative religion show, a belief in false religion was imbedded in the hearts of Man and established world‑wide."
When we get to Christianity, of course there's a heterodox segment that gives Mary-Miriam full divine worship; the rest of the church is left with the very interesting (Jesuitic) question of how much hyperdulia can be given to a human, seeing as humans get dulia (service) all the time without it counting as full divine worship (e.g. the NT's words for "worship" to baby Jesus are all used with respect to other humans). That is, it must be judged whether the casuistry of how to serve Miriam is sufficiently separated from logolatry such as offered to Zeus and Hermes. For our purposes, though, more important is to judge the degree to which the true Creator's pattern (in forming mothers and children) is partially revealed in advance of corruption and the degree to which counterfeiters guess ahead or copycat behind that true pattern. (Which is why I'm tracking whether IHS has any real connection with Jesus.)
Very good, and I used to take Hislop for 100%, but nowadays I somewhat adjust his work via later discoveries. I think, for good etymological and historical reasons, that Nimrod was Naram-Sin of Akkad (amazing sculpture), 2275?-2218. His triad with wife and son didn't refer to his real unnamed wife and his heir Shar-Kali-Sharri, but to the extant gods Inanna and Dumuzid (later Tammuz). Nimrod claimed the attributes of the powerful Dumuzid when alive, and Tammuz represented the attributes of the impotent Dumuzid (Orpheus) in the underworld. From the link by Terry M. Smith: "Nimrod would greatly refine the blasphemous hoax of pagan religion and enshrine himself as lead deity and savior in a false trinity. He would attach to it a system of mystery rites and filthy carnal sacraments that would serve as the religious actions and conduct for 'Mystery Babylon'. Like a chameleon this system could be adaptable to the vain imaginings of man and the particulars of any culture so as to suit the customs, climate or agricultural needs of any peoples anywhere."
Gilgamesh traditional builder of Uruk, Sumerian Bilgamesh, was probably a prediluvian who was popularized and deified in 2000s Sumer; since he allegedly fought with the son of Mebarasi of Kish (the oldest ruler verified from the Sumerian King List), he is placed in the 2600s. It would be natural at that time to overlay this Sumerian legend onto the Akkadian Namar-Sin legend.
The historical Shamshi-Adad (called Ninus for subduing Nineveh), 850?-811, and Shammuramat (Semiramis), 850?-798, solidified the extant cult with their young son Adad-Nirari, 811?-783, who Semiramis substituted for Tammuz. Obviously also worshippers of Hadad the storm god. (The 19th-century idea that Semiramis and Nimrod were married is an unnecessary mistake, arising from the similarity between Nimrod and the extant Ninus legend associated with kings like Shamshi-Adad, plus Nimrod's wife being anonymous.) Semiramis's work gets you directly to the ladies-first Isis-Horus-Serapis triad.
That's the human side. On the deified side, Marduk son of Enki was the Old Babylonian Amarutu, 1800s, identified with Hadad, the Eblaite Hadda, 2300s or earlier. Osiris is also dated 2500-2300, of which I favor the last half-century (5th dynasty). Ninurta (agricultural, 2600s, Nippur, temple built by Mebarasi) and Ningursi (military, 2100s, Lagash, temple built by Gudea) were merged together easily as the son of Enlil. Because of the extreme rivalry between Enlil and Enki, I have to separate Ninurta-Ningursi out from the rest of the list Nimrod-Marduk-Gilgamesh, despite the claimed lingual similarity, because Nimrod became Zeus-Jupiter, but Ninurta became Cronus-Saturn. You are right (thanks) that Serapis was the Greco-Egyptian syncretism of Ptolemy Soter c. 300, originally Wsjr-Hp (Osiris-Apis), but I note this also appears calculated to bring in a title of Enki/Ea as well, Sar-Apsi (which we could call "czar Abzu", lord of the abyss), found in the Talmud as Sarapis.
Of all these names, Dumuzid seems the likeliest to go back the farthest, into the fourth millennium BC, given the SKL. See, there are several layers before Nimrod's Babel, even though Babylon is a convenient name for them all. From the link: "False religion, and therefore Mystery Babylon’s foundations, were laid as early as the Garden of Eden and the expulsion that took place there and the subsequent Satanic conspiracy of the fallen angels of the Antediluvian Era which nearly provoked God into destroying the entire human race. From passages in Genesis six we understand that some of the fallen angels had left their first estate in heaven and had taken on the likeness of human flesh so they could cohabit with the daughters of men and create a dominant race of half‑man, half‑god supermen who would rule on earth as 'gods'. As studies in comparative religion show, a belief in false religion was imbedded in the hearts of Man and established world‑wide."
When we get to Christianity, of course there's a heterodox segment that gives Mary-Miriam full divine worship; the rest of the church is left with the very interesting (Jesuitic) question of how much hyperdulia can be given to a human, seeing as humans get dulia (service) all the time without it counting as full divine worship (e.g. the NT's words for "worship" to baby Jesus are all used with respect to other humans). That is, it must be judged whether the casuistry of how to serve Miriam is sufficiently separated from logolatry such as offered to Zeus and Hermes. For our purposes, though, more important is to judge the degree to which the true Creator's pattern (in forming mothers and children) is partially revealed in advance of corruption and the degree to which counterfeiters guess ahead or copycat behind that true pattern. (Which is why I'm tracking whether IHS has any real connection with Jesus.)