When profit became a goal of human activity, things turn into complete shit quickly.
All that planned obsolence, processed food, single-use things, finacial services and all that stuff is a product of profit-driven economy and nothing else.
And it is only beginning. It's not hard to imagine how that will develop, and picture is disgusting.
Also, profit-driven economy is a power source for aristocracy/elites and inevitably lead to globalism.
In the not so distant past some enterprises/corporations still valued such thing as reputation, and kind of tried to not make shitty things for the sake of profit. However, with development of advertising into brainwashing, even those who careв about reputation completely turned to profits, and you will not find anyone who try to make nice, reliable, long-lasting things for customers.
It is not a technical problem to make a car that will last forever with rare cheap service today. It will not even be expensive. It will generate an excellent reputation, but not much profits. So, it is impossible today.
I don't see any clear solution to that shit, but profit-driven economy have to be exterminated to prevent disaster in the future.
Funny, but that globalists dream of social credit system could be kind of partial solution, if applied to businesses instead of people, by people. Things reliability, cost of ownership, lifetime and other parameters could be used to score corporations. Corporations with low score could be forced to pay compensation to customers, to effectively cut their profits and so force them to choose other goal, like reputation or whatever else.
All advertising, except neutral and real product parameters should be banned forever. Any attempt to use any subconscious methods in advertising shoud be punished as fraud, criminally with jailtime. Say, car manufacturers shouldn't show a car running through pleasant landscape with something like "this car wil make you look cool" voice in background. There should be mpg, hp, trunk volume, cost of year ownership in terms of service costs and spare parts and other really useful information.
Basically, modern advertising is a pure brainwashing today, thats side-effect of profit-driven economy. If you can brainwash people to buy shit, then there is no any need to make decent things at all.
Really this is a huge conspiracy, that combines nearly all shit we have in our clown world, from fiat money everybody run after as stupid sheep to the globalism and jews. And all that combines into one thing - profit-driven economy.
If we want to do something about any of conspiracies we talk about, then we have to start with profit-driven economy.
You've got it backwards. Humans are innately driben to seek profit and our systems of government exist to make the best use of that drive.
If you can incentivise maintaining a good reputation, efficiency, craftsmanship, and companies as long term communities, you can have those things. Our current system does not because, while companies usually start this way if they're successful, they'll inebitably be bought out by (((capitalists))) who have no idea how anything works but still consider themselves the boss because money.
That's why I always try to work for small business, even though they pay lousy and expect a lot compared to big organisations.
People driven to seek the best for them. And best is not always profit. Normally human being will buy better quality thing, even if it cost more than bad quality thing.
Government allowed corporations to influence people's understanding of "the best" so, that they will buy anything corporations made. Even complete shit if been told that it is "better" for them.
Look at modern marketing, it's absolutely clear that it is pure manipulation. Ads and packages created to make people forget about real properties of the goods, that matter and look at things that don't have any sense for making reasonable decision. At the same time manufacturers care only about profits, not about quality, usefulness and other important stuff.
If you take any literature about marketing and read it without any bias, as side observer, you will see that it is all about manipulating people's understanding of "good".
One of such manipulations is to force customer to think that personal profit is at the top of things that make customer "good". To save 10% from the price is better than lose 20% of reliability or quality.
Exactly. And this big bosses will always have money and tools to buy or destroy ones that stand for "good reputation". It is the point of their survival. If there is nothing to compare with profit-driven corporation products, then there is no choice for the customer, and corporations will sell as shitty products as possible.
Take a look at Phoebus conspiracy, that still exist today with LED bulbs. You can't buy LED lamp that last nearly forever (at least to the point of phosphor/diode natural degradation). But it is very simple to make one. You could even make one from shitty LED bulb by yourself, if you are into electronics and could hold a soldering iron in your hand, by replacing a current setting resistor. Buy LED bulb twice brighter than you need, then lower LEDs current by sqrt(2). You will get bulb of necessary brightness with LEDs running at lower current and so they will last much longer.
Obviously, people, even brainwashed will prefer normal LED bulbs, even if they will have higher price. Becaule it is their good - to have reliable bulb that will never need to be replaced. It is a profit-driven system that doesn't allow to produce eternal LED bulbs.
Unfortunately, not all things we need today could be manufactured by small businesses. And this things eventually drag down even small businesses. If a small business that use some machine produced by big corporation have to spend money for constant service and repair, than that costs have to be included in the final price, or profits should be cut to the unsustainable level. Both will put that good small business in unfair conditions.
Just recall that JohnDeer tractors or modern baking ovens. Manufacturer make shitty stuff and force customer to pay constantly for the things that could be made reliable and easily serviceable by customer without any additional payments by customer. But they don't and it is purely intended.
Profit is required to keep existing. Hunting food returns the profit of meat; if you didn't profit by hunting, you wouldn't hunt. The same is true of any organisation.
Government has no responsibility to manage people's understanding, it's the other way around. If corpos can influence people, they can influence the government as well. This is on us.
If the government is responsible for anything, it's putting kids into schools that teach them to believe whatever they're told by an authority figure. But I'd blame the churches before I blamed governments for allowing manipulation.
It's not about "big bosses" it's about outside (((capitalists))). I'll work for a company with 1,000 employees if it's privately owned by the person who started it. The problem isn't size, it's structure. When you have a public company, it's run by people who don't know or care to know anything about the company other than that it makes them money, which they use to buy the next company.
The reason that this always looks the same, for the past 70 years, is because it's the same people every single time. All companies use the same "marketing" strategies, even when they fall flat, because they're being told to by the exact same (((shareholders))). The last place I worked used word of mouth and reputation and doubled in size while I was working there. Then it got sold to someone who didn't understand the business and now it's floundering.
You have to constantly pay for maintenance of equipment no matter what, either to the original manufacturer, a service tech, or your own time.
The one thing I'll say the government could do (and already should have done) is vigorously uphold property rights, especially regarding so-called "intellectual property". If I buy something, it's mine. I should have every right to fix it, reverse engineer it, even publish technical documents to sell to others, like Haynes manuals.
But, again, this comes down to personal psychology; people don't want to fix their own stuff, they want someone else to do it, preferrably for free, and they don't care if that means they'll get screwed down the line. No amount of government will fix that.
Like it or not, our system is sustainable. It will keep going for a long time, albeit with much less prosperity. Government could prevent or disincentivise capital investment but that would mean building companies would take much longer and still ultimately result in less material wealth that we have now.
The reason it looks like everything is collapsing is because we've been in a bubble for at least 50 years. It's going to stabilize, but if we ever see prospertiy like that again, it'll be the precursor to another crash.
Today's "profit" is only money. You will not be able to explain any investor or businessman the original meaning.
Good decision. I'll add to that "no loans" condition. But it become extremely hard to find such configuration.
Exactly. This comes to the single pattern, so it is perfectly valid to suppose conspiracy.
That means that previous owner either prefer money, either was put in situation without much choice. This always happen with more or less successful, let's name it "traditional" company, owned by old-style enterpreneur who have something more than profits behind.
First, many things today just poorly engineered, in most cases intentionally, to need service. Second, even most good old things could be fixed forever, just by making more durable part. Industrial equipment could be fixed by local service team, every more or less decent manufacturing have a service team regardless. And in most cases service team is not very busy, especially if business have sane administration. But vendors do not allow that, sometimes right in the equipment delivery contract. They want their profits.
Governement usually in charge of education. If children was not teached that everything could be disassembled and assembled back, and so repaired, will never think about fixing anything by themselves. So they will not be able to fight for right for repair or against "intellectual property" scam you mentioned earlier.
That's what I'm in doubt with. "planned obsolescence" become widespread not long ago, but we already eat consequences with a table spoon.
Coproeconomy will eventually turn everything into the shit. Very profitable, but absolutely unreliable and in case of food directly harmful.
When you fall to the bottom, it is not stabilisation, it is living on the bottom.
And again, I think that profit-driven coproeconomy will eventually destroy everything, including means of production. If your machine will be in service constantly, it will not be able to produce even shit you producing to make profits. Means of production already infected heavily, and things only become worse with time. F.e. some small measurement and control equipment manufacturers are bought by holdings that don't care about reliability, precision and other important stuff. And if you can't measure your process with same precision, you just unable to produce same quality stuff you produced earlier. Many times I met with situaltion, when some expensive old, but excellent measuring equipment had to be repleced just because old computer that run equipment software lecensed only to this exact computer hardware, (cpuid, f.e. hdd serial number and so on) just broke due to its age. And when business asked for a new license for new computer, measurement equipment manufacturer just told that this model is not supported anymore, so no new key will be provided, just buy new, worse and more expensive model.