That you're gullible.
Faith is belief in lieu of evidence.
The book you love was written by man.
The stories in it were made up by man.
The money you donate goes to fund a mans extravagant lifestyle.
It's conspiracy 101.
That you're gullible.
Faith is belief in lieu of evidence.
The book you love was written by man.
The stories in it were made up by man.
The money you donate goes to fund a mans extravagant lifestyle.
It's conspiracy 101.
The Christians you describe are the protestants. There are lots of sects arranging from Rabbis to people like you. Also the NWO is not Atheist regardless of what you think otherwise. There is a religion, there is always a religion, and no matter what the cover narrative is, it is always done with the same goal in mind.
Also I think you know the priests of the Catholic Church and the Vatican have entire harems of boys. They just want to legitimize it under the guise of liberalism and they have always been.
Wrong again. Protestants tend to be the most liberal and pro-zionist of all denominations. I don't belong to a sect but to the Orthodox Church which is the only Church Christ established and has always been opposed to Talmudic judaism (which is a sect denounced by Christ in the face of the pharisees and their "oral tradition"). I wouldn't consider the top NWO people atheists since they are luciferian freemasons and talmudic jews. Materialism and naturalism is pushed on the masses as a psy op for demoralization: "Man is just a more evolved animal, a meatsack computer which evolved by accident, insignificant in the vastness of the space and time void; there is no purpose or meaning to anything ultimately and you're going to die and dissolve into nothingness so what you do with your life doesn't really matter in the grand scale of things. Just follow your desires, be a hedonist coomsoomer and do as thou wilt - there's no good and evil, no final justice so who cares what you do?". All of the proponents of that demonic worldview are either jews or freemasons.
But no, Christianity is putting people down even though what I described is the most depressing and nihilistic outlook anyone could have. This is what THEY want you to think reality is. Compare that to what the Christian teaching about man and the world is. Everything else is irrelevant - "you will know them by their fruits". Atheists hardly even reproduce, that's how depraved and nihilistic this worldview is. Even from an evolutionary standpoint atheism is a loosing strategy.
Although I agree the Catholic Church is compromised and veered away from the original faith, communism has little to do with RC and at worst is an indirect consequence of bad theology and masonic infiltration by jesuits. That being said, the Vatican openly promotes ecumenism and the future One world religion since Vatican II, along with other NWO agenda like stabbies and climate change. If you consider those communism, then sure, but that pushes the boundaries of what communism as an ideology is.
The curious thing is that there is an overlap between the first and the second group because materialism and evolutionism are ancient beliefs themselves (Democritus and Hindu teachings) that have zero scientific evidence to support them. They are falsely presented to the gullible masses as scientific facts because they are useful for furthering the masonic Royal Society agenda, even though no one has proven them through the scientific method. But it's easy to take things for granted when you're indoctrinated through media and education from a very early age into the scientismo cult.
You have a dangerously poor understanding of Christian history. It's not a unified religious front, it is a bunch of sects consisting of things varying from cults no different from sun god faiths, people like you, Muslims, and the Baal-worshiping Hyskos who merged their own religion with ideas from the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and some of the other Christian ideas. And it just happens that these Baal worshiping hyskos were the original church and the ones in charge. They are not compromised -- these people have an entire history of rabbis keeping boy harems that are inherited to their Roman-Vatican iterations, the popes and priests, among other things.
Also speaking of all of the hippie stuff you mentioned, these are all Hindu practices rather than "edgy atheist" practices. I dunno when did they begin to inherit the Hindu religion for their own agendas, but it would be easy if they originated from there. People don't originate from desert areas like Israel. They move to there.