2 Israel <-- is just a scapegoat. NONE of (((TPTB))) live IN Israel. They are legacy European jews who have purchased and influenced the west and east for over a century as revenge/conquering for the previous 3,000+ years. Israel, US, Ukraine, Mexico, etc are vassal states of (((globalism))) (media.scored.co) posted 3 months ago by pkvi_eid 3 months ago by pkvi_eid +5 / -5 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
So, where do they live if not in Israel? Who are they if not these fake semites calling themselves jews?
Where did Jacob Rothschild live? Tel Aviv? Cmon ayh know you know better.
I just want to know where they live, when they don't live in Israel. I want to know who they are, if they are not jews?
You (anyone) can't even get a hold of their names, how would someone know their address.
The known ones like Rothschild are majordomes, that much is clear.
People are so sure they are:
But somehow they can't name where they are or who they are.