Peg the currency to a unit of specie. For every unit of specie, one unit of currency is allowed to exist. If more currency is made than this ratio, mandatory death penalty for whomever printed more, and extra currency is to be destroyed until the balance is restored. Also mandatory death penalty for charging interest.
You’re not even trying to read. Enjoy your hyperinflation.
There's literally nothing I can do about it.
I cannot fix hyperinflation. I apologize.
That’s quitter talk. You can.
Don’t enslave yourself even further by acquiescing to evil. That’s all I ask.
I mean, I guess?
Do you have any suggestions on how I'm to fix hyperinflation?
Peg the currency to a unit of specie. For every unit of specie, one unit of currency is allowed to exist. If more currency is made than this ratio, mandatory death penalty for whomever printed more, and extra currency is to be destroyed until the balance is restored. Also mandatory death penalty for charging interest.
No more hyperinflation ever.