39 The usual double standard. (media.conspiracies.win) posted 7 months ago by Don_Keebaughs 7 months ago by Don_Keebaughs +39 / -0 8 comments download share 8 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
PS: The ADL is easily one of the most evil, toxic, and harmful organizations on the planet.
F them all the way.
they're as bad as the splc imho.
Jews are the source of all of the "anti-hate" groups, anti-hate-speech laws, and online bans.
The ADL is their club to beat us into being afraid to speak.
b) LEAGUE/ligo - "to bind" + FAME/fama/bha - "to speak"...consenting to any suggested word binds ones free will of choice to a definition/definite - "affixed".