if shit actually hits the fan you are dead. the food you stockpiled will be looted from your home after you are destroyed. if you happen to live in a rural area and have weapons stockpiled it might take a bit longer for the cartels to find you and ransack your home. enjoy your dehydrated food stuffs while you can :/
if you really wanted to survive systemic fallout you’d need to be incredibly well organized. the power will be in numbers. i don’t have an “attitude” to speak of here, i am simply stating what rational deduction would lead anyone to believe
if shit actually hits the fan you are dead. the food you stockpiled will be looted from your home after you are destroyed. if you happen to live in a rural area and have weapons stockpiled it might take a bit longer for the cartels to find you and ransack your home. enjoy your dehydrated food stuffs while you can :/
Well with that attitude you won't even get the chance to put in work. I know I'm going but I'm not going first, bet on it.
if you really wanted to survive systemic fallout you’d need to be incredibly well organized. the power will be in numbers. i don’t have an “attitude” to speak of here, i am simply stating what rational deduction would lead anyone to believe
I get it. What I said is also to be considered in a populated area. Whoever gets my stash will have worked for it.