posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +12 / -1

Two dominant theories:

  1. The Zionist Deep State wants Trump in office.

  2. The Zionist Deep State stole 2020, wants to put Trump in prison, or have him killed.

Both cannot be true. Therefore, when you see things swing around towards Trump, you're seeing the stages of grief; resignation, and finally acceptance.

The thesis/anti-thesis and finally synthesis is this, the Zionist Deep State knows they can work with the Trump, even if he isn't their first choice. He wasn't their first choice in 2020, thus the election was stolen.

Their perfect puppet in Biden didn't work out for another four years, age catches up with everyone.

Reject both theories, and I have some beach front properties in Nevada I'd like to sell you.