posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +5 / -3

The Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion people, the one shutting down road and putting tomato soup on famous paintings are idiots. But the people behind it have a theory, that has played true in other social movements. They want enough people to be put in prison for these relatively minor actions that physically harm nobody, that the people in prison galvanize a larger social movement.

Think of it how the poor sods in prison for dealing marijuana became the issue, rather than the harm caused by the drug and the violence involved with the drug trade. Millions of blacks in prison for selling weed created a white liberal social movement that ended up in the legalization of weed all across the US.

Imagine if these Just Stop Oil can get a million useful idiots to get prison sentences for blocking rush hour traffic? Same idea.

It's genius actually. Though I don't think there are that many useful idiots.

Here is some deeper reading on the matter: