Anyone noticed that nobody is talking anymore abut how millions are dying or getting sick from the vaxx?
It was all the rage for years and now, nothing. What happened?
Anyone noticed that nobody is talking anymore abut how millions are dying or getting sick from the vaxx?
It was all the rage for years and now, nothing. What happened?
Like im watching that video now, while i do some late night programming.
Holy fuck does shit like this sound familiar.
When I sent in my appeal to the WCB tribunal, they just acted like I never sent in my appeal and they never looked it, never made a judgement, just never contacted me. I asked them if they looked at it, yeah were gonna make a decision, and then after a month the woman supervisor turned into a right cold cunt. "WHAT DO YOU WANT STOP CALLING US". Or the college of physicians and surgeons of nova scotia claiming that I never brought up the medication that dr nicholson never actually prescribed me. When I have copy of the fucking LETTERS!
Its like these fucking assholes have a playbook they use to fuck people over as hard as possible.
I watched that movie breaking recently and had no idea that shit happened back in 2017. Trying to look up information up about it and theres barely anything. No one mentions the part where they were taking his disability check to pay someone else tuition bill, HOLY FUCK. Some random blurb about his brother being in the illuminati to frame him as schizophrenic, and never touched on again.
I said it before, and ill repeat it again.
When cost savings is more important than doing what is right, then society is completely and utterly broken, and it wont be long before the rest of it shatters along with it.
Why? It aint to save the taxpayers money, its so the rich can funnel more from the system for themselves.
Its so fucking absolutely disgusting.
And people like you vpn fucking DEFEND IT. Thinking its just all some bullshit so people can claim some free money.
Grow the fuck up.
I cant understand what the plan is, are our leaders fucking INSANE? Do they not care that they are ripping apart the fabric of society for what? A FUCKING MCMANSION?
The only thing that makes sense is they know the end of our civilization is near, and they just dont give a fuck anymore.
Yeah, this is what I think you call synchronicity right?
Right after this the guy he is interviewing is talking about how it could take a decade or two before the full blowout is known. Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, for sure.
Back to the movie the guy is talking about, he mentions another movie about the dude who invented the windshield wiper and how he was institutionalized when he had a breakdown on a public bus.
Yeah, I understand how these people feel, my god its weird feeling solidarity with someone when ive been a lone wolf my entire life.
But I resisted the urge to do something insane to make people listen to my story. Instead I just had to bitterly bite the bullet, and rant to everyone here about it all the time. I am sorry and I just want to thank anyone who actually reads my shit. I know it cant be easy to put up with. Mostly just lawyers and I wouldnt be surprised if ARCAS vp rick reads shit while hes eating his caviar at night in his million dollar home. Have a good laugh while he does whatever drug that hes into, prolly pharmaceutical. But if I was on reddit or some other bullshit, I wouldnt be able to actually say names, and fuck its worth it even if no one hears me here. Just saying these fuckers names gives me a little relief.
Even if no one believes me. I was used to that before being poisoned. No one wants to listen to the ravings of individual suffering from low latency inhibition.
I like to think people like me are what scare the fuck out of the powers that be though. People like JFK and MLK terrified the elite, why? Because they didnt use violence to move the people. Without a reason to throw them in jail or vilify them, it was very hard to control them.
The power of the pen is mightier than the sword.