To christen implies to anoint aka each off-spring coming through the birth-channel, which implies a setting free of spirit (Latin spiro; to breathe).
Conspiracy implies breathing (spria) together (con)...hence contradicting christening.
roundly debunked
Roundly implies circular logic, hence keeping one within the same conflict of reason...verify vs debunk. Doing so represents the ouroboros eating itself.
A jew suggests time as a conflict between past (always loosing) and future (never reaching), which imbalances a gentile choice, while giving control of presence/present to a chosen one.
Suggested past tricks the gentile to hold onto memories; while suggested future tempts the gentile to seek outcomes, while ignoring to adapt (matter) to origin (motion) now (momentum)...matter holding onto anything makes it harder to sustain itself within motion, and matter trying to reach the end of motion destroys matter.
Letting go of time allows one to discern self as within spirit, hence being able to inhale (inception) and exhale (death) what goes through one (life).
Bonus: Holy (whole motion) Ghost (spirit of momentum) for each breathing body (matter) of Christ coming to be within.
To christen implies to anoint aka each off-spring coming through the birth-channel, which implies a setting free of spirit (Latin spiro; to breathe).
Conspiracy implies breathing (spria) together (con)...hence contradicting christening.
Roundly implies circular logic, hence keeping one within the same conflict of reason...verify vs debunk. Doing so represents the ouroboros eating itself.
A jew suggests time as a conflict between past (always loosing) and future (never reaching), which imbalances a gentile choice, while giving control of presence/present to a chosen one.
Suggested past tricks the gentile to hold onto memories; while suggested future tempts the gentile to seek outcomes, while ignoring to adapt (matter) to origin (motion) now (momentum)...matter holding onto anything makes it harder to sustain itself within motion, and matter trying to reach the end of motion destroys matter.
Letting go of time allows one to discern self as within spirit, hence being able to inhale (inception) and exhale (death) what goes through one (life).
Bonus: Holy (whole motion) Ghost (spirit of momentum) for each breathing body (matter) of Christ coming to be within.